Chapter Fifty Six

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The next morning we had both woken up later than we normally would. I felt well rested and ready to pursue anything life had thrown at me. I took a shower to refresh myself but unfortunately was forced to wear my same clothes from yesterday due to the fact that this was completely unplanned. Nonetheless, I got cleaned and was more than ready to get moving.
"Good morning my sunshine." Trevor greeted me once I came out of the bathroom fluffing up my hair. He embraced me with very long and meaningful kiss. He held my face to his and just wowed me with his lips, I was blushing.
"Good morning to you too!" I laughed shyly looking over his face as he smiled to me.
"I'll shower fast and then we'll go." He kissed my forehead and pulled my hips towards him groaning. I nodded still blushing while he went into the bathroom.
While he showered, I had tidied up the room and gathered up all of our things so we could check out before noon. I almost decided to go check out for us when he came out of the bathroom almost as quickly as he went in. He still had water running down his face and a towel wrapped around his waist. The water fell down his body enticingly like he was just trying to work me all up again. It felt like a slo motion moment in a film when I looked up to him biting my lip hard and parting my lips. He had this sexy grin on his face and flipped his hair spraying water all over the room and on my hands.
"You used all the hot water." He laughed shaking his head at me confused as to why I was staring at him. "Next time we'll share." He winked at me and I spun around with a gasp heading towards the door. My cheeks were smoking hot at that point like, I can't even tell about the thoughts running around my brain. Maybe I shouldn't say running, more like dancing, happy like.
I decided to drive this time and we were supposed to meet Camry for lunch at the cafe we had first met at here in Jesme.
"You're silly." Trevor said laughing and getting into the car. "Do you want me to sit in on the conversation today?"
"Yes!" I nodded frowning as I adjusted my seat. "Anything from this point on is your business too I hope you know that." I looked over to him and he smiled sorta admiring me.
"I know and I'm ready for anything for you." He nodded and I kissed him quickly before we went on our way.
I remembered her car from the last time and saw she was already there. The place like before wasn't very packed and just had a very eclectic group of people. Camry was sitting in the back corner flipping through her phone with a bagel sitting in front of her. She looked up and smiled sweetly at us both.
"Nice to see you both again." She got up from the table and hugged me tightly kissing me in the cheek. "I was hoping you reach out to me soon." She said calmly pulling away and looking over my face. She looked back to Trevor and sort of cut her eyes at him.
"I don't think we've met before." He stepped towards her extending his hand and she took it smiling brightly and nodding.
"We have because you're Red Hues star." She laughed squeezing his hand tightly before letting go. "I've got colleagues awaiting baseball season because of you and your folks are also very distinguished members. Believe me know all."
He blushed and gave a shy nod looking down at his feet. "Well I guess I don't get out much." He laughed and she motioned for us to sit.
"Order whatever you like, it on me." She said kindly and looked to me trying to read my face. "Well don't keep me waiting." She placed her arms on the table and gazed at me.
I grabbed my book bag and retrieved the letter that her sister had written me. I placed it on the table and she reached for it but I stopped her by putting my hand down on top of it.
"My sister was never kidnapped." I started off by saying and she sat back in the seat, nostrils flaring. "She admitted that to me only two weeks ago." I frowned dreading saying this to anyone other than my trusted friends. "My mother didn't do this and is receiving help that was fabricated." I started to get wound up again and Trevor placed his hand into my lap to calm me. "They've all lied so much to me already and I'm just wanting to find the truth."
She nodded and I moved my hand letting her pick up the letter. At first glance she gasped, bringing her hand up to her mouth knowing that it was written by her sister. She pulled the letter out quickly reading over it with her hands shaking uncontrollably.
"I-" she frowned still looking down at the letter. Her eyes kept darting over the paper again. "I-I don't understand." She said in a quick breath raising the letter up and finally looking in my eyes. "This is her handwriting a-and it's-" she stuttered still trying to wrap her head around it all. "I don't understand." She said again clenching her jaw tightly and looking back to the letter.
"We think that her father had an affair with Camille and the lines are pretty blank after that. We want to find out the truth and now that we know Ben is involved, both him and Sandra are suspects now." Trevor spoke for me when I couldn't give an answer to Camry. I didn't know what to say or how to explain this really and he did a good job for me. "We were wondering if you could help us find answers and get justice."
Camry cleared her throat placing the letter back on the table trying to shake away her tears. "Um," she swallowed hard clearing her throat again. "I've been doing some digging after I saw you last Emelie and I realized at some point that two of the three murders were committed by one person and the other was a single person."
"How do you know that?" I asked sitting forward and trying to understand what she was saying.
"My sister wasn't raped," she shrugged sighing and shaking her head in disgust. "The believe it was consensual and that she had been murdered after." She licked her lips raising her eyebrows at putting the pieces together. "She said that she was in love and-" her voice broke and I reached out to her grabbing and squeezing her hand tightly. She drew in a shaky breath and licked her lips again trying to redirect her thoughts. "Jasmine and gloria were killed by the same person and I finally got to read fully their reports and the rape kit they did on those poor girls showed that they were sodomized by an inanimate object." She sniffled picking up her bagel and taking a very aggressive bite. "I believe the second two murders were committed by someone else copying the first."
"Do you think my family had anything to do with them?"
"This letter," she pointed to the letter on the table. "Makes me think they just might."

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