College day's

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*Marvin POV*
I was looking for my spell book everywhere and I still can't find it. "Anti did you take my tome?!" A groan came from his room. "No did you check the book shelf in the living room Shnep has a tendency to put away things left on the table even when you're still using it." I don't respond walking to the shelf looking at each book. I pull out my wand and cast a simple levitation spell and the books fly past my face slowly. "Comic, comic, comic, novel, novel, novel, medical textbook, photo album from back in college, medical..?" I grabbed the photo album of mid air all the books falling back into place. I flip to the first photo and it is a selfie of Chace with me and Jackie in the background me reading the magic tome I was looking for ignoring Chase, Jackie and the camera. "Jackie, Chase come look what found!" The two come down the stairs confused as I hand Chace the album. "I remember this. This was back when we lived in the college dormitory together, where did you find this?" He smiled at the photos flipping through the book we sit on the couch. Chase opened the first page again Shnep walking up behind us "vhat is zhat you got zhere?" Chace smiled at the picture "It is a photo album from our college days. We where all so young." I looked at each of our faces Chase has blue braces on the top row of his teeth his face dotted with acne and a green ball cap. Jackie had really short hair and the goofiest smile waveing like his mom told him to say high to the camera. Then there was me I wasn't even looking at the camera I had my magic tome in one hand my mind reader magic cards in the other my mask had no markings on it. "It is so weird looking at us without beards." I said Chase and Jackie nodded and laughed. The memory of the day that photo was taken now fresh in my mind.

[Flashback Marvin POV]

I pull my suitcase down the hallway college students rushing in and out of the rooms I glance at the key in my hand. The man at the dorms front desk told me I had two room mates both where hotel management majors. While I am a preforming arts major. I shifted the white mask on my face turning the doorknob looking into the room there was three beds at the end of the room by the window and I throw my bag on the top bunk looking at the pristine bed underneath and the one at the other side had a bag thrown into it the comforter was already a mess. The door swung open I watch the man with 3 plastic bags enter his braces reflected the light from the window. "Hi my name is Chase Brody." I smile as he placed the bags down and reached for a hand shake. "Marvin, Marvin magic aka Marvin the magnificent." He smiled and  began pulling sandwiches from one of the bags "Your last name is magic?" I nod climbing into my bed. "And you're wearing a white cat mask saying you're a magician." I have my tome in hand and look at him. "What's your major and why the magician thing." I slide off my bed to the floor. "Preforming arts, Si vos es mihi in populum disrespecting sum coactus et, ut malediceret vobis." My eyes began glowing faintly my magic not strong enough to fully be threatening. "What? I have no clue what you said Marv." He puts his hands up in defense "Marv?" I stop looking him in the eyes the glow disappeared. We talked about our lives, he told me about his girlfriend and I told him I was a part of a magic circle and was in the process of gaining my mask markings when Jackie showed up. We told him that he was gonna sleep in the lower bunk. "Sorry bro first come first serve." Chase smiled Jackie was fine with the decision though. We talked a bit longer when my tome started glowing gold. I opened it magic writing began appearing on the page the two others where silenced. I begin to read the book out loud. "Marvin your time has come, the spell caster class is waiting for you with open arms a wand is prepared for your journey come to the circle this Saturday night to retrieve it and good luck with college  -Sincerely the magicians illusion." Jackie smiled organizing his books and Chase looked at me in shock. "Okay so some guy named illusion wrote in your magic book and told you to meet at a secret society place to get a wand! That is so cool bro." I chuckled at the excitement of my new friend. "Their name isn't illusion. The circle is called the magicians illusion because a group of magicians is an illusion." Jackie laughed when Chace's excitement didn't fade. "It's getting late we should get some sleep." I grabbed my mind reader magic cards and sat at the desk. "Can't I have to study." Chace scoffed, "Study what the school year doesn't start till tomorrow." He grabbed his camera and went to the door. "Magic." Was my response then I heard a clicking noise and a flash went off. I looked up at him to see him holding the photo in his hand pulling a blank album from another plastic bag. "Our first memory as friends." Chase said placeing the picture in the book Jackie looked at the picture "Marvin wasn't looking." I shrugged and went back to studying till I fell asleep I woke up two hours before I had to leave for class a note on the door from Jackie.
Chase and I have class we will be back soon have fun organizing the room and wishing we where there.
P.S. magic is a cool last name -Chase

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