Swapped with you (part4)

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I woke up glancing around the room green walls with black trim I sit up the ringing in my ears comforting I stumble out of bed and to the mirror seeing my body not Henrick's the ringing in my ears started blaring I took in a deep breath as the ringing disapated I walk over to my door looking out thankfuly no on heard the static I slip out and head to Henrick's room careful to wake anyone. I knock on the door an muffled groan was the response. I enter the room and walk to the bed seeing Henrick with his face half buried in his pillow I grip his shoulder slightly and gently shake him awake. "Chase leave me zhe f**k alone." I smerk shaking him again. "Vhat is it?" He looked at me before squinting he reached over to his side table grabbing the glasses in the spot I had left them. He looked around the room confused his eyes landing on me he reached up to his throat chuckling. "Ve are back in our bodies." I nod sighing and sitting at the foot of his bed. "What are we gonna do about the others?" He watched me focusing on something. "Chase knows and we would have to tell the others what happened eventually." I rub my neak realizing I was still wearing the bandages Henrick put on for me. "Why do you put on bandages before bed Anti." I sighed and rolled my eyes "You're dodging the question, and so the blood doesn't get on my blankets." He shifted removeing the bloodied bandages from my neak "I know but do ve say hey everyone we switched bodies two days ago ve have no explanation on how but ve are back to normal now." I shrug "We have to tell that to Chase." He threw the bandages in the bin and I cracked my neak like Darkiplyer. "How did he even find out?" I chuckle at the fact the smart ego asked a stupid question. "You're his best friend Dr.Shneplestien he knows you to well to be fooled by my acting. He is more observant than the fans give him credit for." He sighed nodding. "Vell Vhy don't ve get dressed and zhen tell Chase and zhe ozers." He gestured to his blue sweatshirt and pants and I glance down at my own dark green pair. "Yeah." I exit Henrick's room and slip into mine. I spot my music box and place it back inside the jewelry box slipping it into the closet. Both me and Shneplestien had gotten dressed and I knocked on Chase's door Henrick silenced me when Chase tiredly groaned in response to the knock "Chase do you have a moment." He opened the door in grey sweats like mine and Shneps. He sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Hey Henrik hey Anti what's going on?" He yawned putting his hat on. "Vell ve still have no clue vhat to do about zhe body swap and ve vhere vondering if you could help us explain the swap to the others?" I looked at Henrick in fain shock before sateing. "When did you tell Chase?" Chase stood up and walked over to the two of us "Sure I'll help." He then turned to address me. "Anti told me yesterday Hen after you went to bed." Henrick snickered making me snicker as well Chase looked between us clearly confused. "What is going on? I shushed Henrick with a glitchy giggle."I zhink sat you have ze names wrong zhere Chase." I closed the door a small smile spreading across my face as Chase whispered in confusion. "What are you talking about?" I giggled as Henrick sat down at Chase's desk. "Hen did you know that Chase here burned his hand with the coffee maker after you went to bed?" Chase looked at me in shock and then held up his bandaged hand "Vhat Chase are you serious?" With a smile he looked to Henrick and whispered, "It is you! But how?" We both shrug and I lean against the wall. "Whatever happened yesterday must have fixed it, I mean now I understand how Henrick feels when you all come to him for everything from paper cuts to explosion burns." I mumbled Henrick smiled at my realization. "I never realized how much no one trusts you, how everyone is always vaiting for you to mess up and hurt somebody." He looked up at me and I avoided meeting his gaze. "I'm used to it." Chase glanced at me before sitting on his bed. "Well it seems like the freaky weakened is over and you lived in each other's shoes, so why don't I get changed make my special pancakes and we load up Freaky Friday and explain that the movie came true and make a game out of who switched bodies." Me and Henrick laughed and nodded leaving him alone Henrick reminding Chase to take his Antidepressants. Henrick yawned as we got to the living room and I rolled my eyes. "Hen you take a nap I'll put on the movie and start a coffee for ya." He looked a me with a confused expression. "You vould do zhat for me." I nod as he sits on the couch falling asleep instantly. I walk into the kitchen and start a pot of coffee pulling out three mugs out of the cobberds hearing Chase coming down the stairs and entering the kitchen. "Hen appears to have passed out." I nod, " I told him it's okay and I would set everything up, but more importantly I am not letting you near this machine." With a chuckle he grabbed the half apron that Jameson got him for father's day and put it on. I wandered my way back to the living room wher Henrick was now laying down I draped a blanket over him and silently prepared the movie.

Time skip brought to you by naps for the doc

Doc had woken up to the sound of Chase and I chatting and sipping coffee while Chase flipped the pancakes. He sat down as I passed him his black coffee with a silent thanks he took the pale blue mug eventually everyone made there way down to eat I sat on the counter away from everyone Jackie and Marvin shooting me fearful and anticipatory glances making me uncomfortable. As soon as everyone was done we moved to the living room an hit play Shnep patted the spot next to him with a smile. Watching the movie I kept getting looks from the others but for once I didn't care the movie finished and Chase sprung to his feet. "The reason we watched that movie is because two people in this room experienced something similar" Henrick and I feigned confused Marvin and Jackie where glancing around the room Jameson was overexaggerated thinking. I spot Henrick's breaking facade and I started falling apart we composed ourselves as Jackie spoke up. "Who did you switch with Chase?" Henrick's and my laughter erupted and Chase joined in. The trio looked on in confusion I was first to stop laughing and looked at Jackie. "You did the thing you said you wouldn't do," Jackie squinted tilting his head. "You told Henrick about the sleeping thing, so I didn't need to brake my promise." Jackie's eyes widend in realization Henrick snickered and looked to JJ. "As for you Jameson you hit me in the eye with Chase nerf gun." Jameson flushed a bright red in embarrassment. Questions started assaulting us I sigh. "Okay, okay, before you trample us with questions we don't know how it happened or how it ended but it's over now." Marvin smiled and replied "But you know how and why. It happened because the universe said you need to see things from a different perspective, you both changed back when you realized how difficult eachothers life is. It's just like the movie but, what I want to know is what you leaned." Henrick looked in shock before taking a breath and beginning to retell the weakened from his perspective then I do from mine. "Hopefully this will never happen again." I state in relief leaning back on the sofa Henrick elbowed me. "I don't know, I rather liked being, swapped vith you." I roll my eyes and groan, "That sounds like a bad fanfic title." He smerked readjusting his glasses, "Maybe so but, this is an adventure I wouldn't be apposed to going through again." He smiled at me, I fake gagged and left feeling the looks of understanding and disappointment as I left their line of sight.

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