Old Times Older Friends

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*Chace POV*
I was watching the news with JJ and Marvin although JJ was the only one paying any attention to it. 'Old silent movie Star, Madison Solomain dies at age of 127. We interviewed her granddaughters and they told us. 2 brunette girls were on screen now on with a bow holding back her braid the other with her hair short "Great Grannie always told us to be respectful and animated like a old friend of hers who she lost," the girt with the bow stated, the short haired girl spoke up. "Great Grandma also said to look for that mans family and tell them something Important so... To the family of Jamieson Jackson we would like to meat you by the boardwalk tomorrow at six." Hearing that I looked up to see JJ crying. "JJ are you friends with that lady." He nodded and gestured for me to stay as he hedded up stairs he came back down with a large projector Jackie carrying a screen he set everything up and Jackaboy ran to get popcorn "What are we watching Jay?" I ask focusing on the sullen look on his face. He smiled and held up a film reel with a smile before loading it in. Jackie returned with the popcorn and the rest Shnep was interested and Anti had already sat down eating. The movie booted up with the count down.

*Jamison POV*
I smile at the film I remember like it was yesterday although everything from the 1920s feels like yesterday. Madison would be glad it is still being played she was one of my bestfriends. Even though I never got to tell her I was okay after the accident all those years ago. It began with a flicker and I smile and look at the screen a familiar tune plays.

*Film (3rd person)*
5-4-3-2-1 Jamison Jackson and Madison Solomain in Swing Dancing
Jamison entered looking around quickly clearly distressed but everyone else ignored him his shoulders slumped in an exaggerated sigh when a young lady around her late teens overexaggeratedly getting his attention he spun around gripping his chest breathing heavily she laughed looking hysterical. JJ smiled shyly in response as she composed herself. A black dialogue card appeared Jamison 'jumping jahosaphats! Oh miss do you know where the grand hall is' Madison 'ah yes I was heading there myself' she swung he arm over her head gesturing for him to follow and started walking. The two moved quickly and stepped on the beat of the music slowly starting to dance to it. They dance though the crowd and up the steps of the grand hall enjoying eachothers company they enter the ballroom and quickly take senter stage another black card showing up Madison 'I didn't know you could dance mister...' Jamie: 'Simon Davis ma'am' Madison: 'Jessica shacquln, call me Jessie, dove' Jamie 'alright Jessie you not so bad you're self.' The two danced more until Jamison checked his pocket watch. The card appeared once more 'sorry Jessie I must be off I had...' the card disappeared to reveal the two kissing Jamie clearly confused and shocked. Madison pulls away smiling before she waves him goodbye disappearing into the crowd.
The end

*Jamison POV*
I start getting teary seeing myself and her so young to think we were only two years apart and she was one hundred twenty seven and I am only twenty nine but I was older back then. I'm gonna miss her I guess I have to go and meet with her great grandchildren. Only a hundred something years ago. I look at every one enjoying my work, I tap Shneplestien on the shoulder and sign. "May you and I go to the boardwalk tomorrow at six, its important to me?" He quisicly asks "Vhy at six specifically?" I only give him a pleading look he seems to get it and nods. Glancing back at everyone else they seemed to like the movie even Anti and he is hard to make smile.

{Time skip thanks to movie night}

I was already waiting for the doctor paceing infront of the door when Anti walks down the stairs dressed like he was heading out "the doc got paged last night and asked me to take you to the boardwalk instead. " he put his sunglasses on hiding his green right and blue left eye. I fix my hat as we approach the two girls Anti fixing the handkerchief around his neck. The girl with short hair noticed us first "Are you the family of Jamieson Jackson?" I nod even though I couldn't see Antis eyes I could see he was surprised. "Fantastic!" the one with a bow in her hair sighed. "Our grandmother wanted him to have this. So since he is dead, it is right that his family has it." My throat titeined at that but I watched her pull out a not labeled record and film, she held it out. I couldn't will my hand to move, Anti thankfuly came to my rescue stating "he would definitely like to se this. When he found out your grandmother was gone we watched old films of them together." The girls looked taken aback by that Anti continued. "He can't talk and with his old age, communication is impossible. Come on now Jamieson the fourth thank you girls." He put on a convincing fake smile I nod and follow, Anti whispered. "you owe me big time." I smile and nod again. We renter the house and Anti placed the record and film on the coffee table and took off his handkerchief and sunglasses.
"Ya okay Jay that was very unlike you?" I signed unenthusiastically "It dawned on me that I am never going to see her again, I never apologized for the accident and she spent her life regretting my idiotic decision." Anti grabbed the film and pulled the projector screen down. "Well are we going to watch the thing she wasted her will on or not?" He lamented with a chuckle. I snapped out of my daze and ran to grab Chace, Marvin and, Jackie when Henrik walked in I grabbed him too and pushed him on to the sofa. Once we all collected on the couch I loaded the film in the projector.

*Film (3rd person)*
5-4-3-2-1 Jamison was on screen infront of a giant machine taking of a apron and goggles he smiled at the person holding the camera and gestures for them to get back before stepping into the machine closing a door behind him, hitting a button. the machine began to billow smoke filling the area Jamison was in he was banging his fists against it. He gestured for the camera person to run fear visible in his eyes, they didn't move keeping the camera on Jamieson. The machine exploded.
The person behind the camera got to their feet and put the camera down racing to Jamieson frozen in place his clothes pristine compared to the destruction surrounding the two, his eyes wide open in fear hands still up like they were against the door the camera person was non other than Madison Solomain. She went back to the camera and stopped the recording.

*Jamison POV*
The accident, that horrible machine cost me my time period, my friends and nearly my life. "Jamie is that what happened to you?" Marvin guessed I nod "You got frozen in time because of an explosion, that's so cool." Jackieboy yelled jumping up on the coffee table. "But how?" Henrick questioned placing his hand on my shoulder. "October 31st 1926 my birthday and, my first attempt at fixing my voice, she was my assistant we met on the set of a film when she found out that I invented in my spare time." I signed. "I never wanted it to go this far I only wanted to thank her for helping me get the part and, be able to chat with a cup of coffee of course it didn't work and thankfully Anti pulled me out of that purgatory of eternally carving that dammed pumpkin." They all glanced at Anti who shrugged just as confused as everyone else "I at least have a memento of the event." I sign as sarcastically as possible, holding up my pocket watch. Chace is first to move pulling me into a hug all except Anti joining. I take the label less record and go to my room shutting the door. I glance around the familiar site my cluttered desk with an antique typewriter the others got me for my birthday, large filled bookshelves againt the wall on top of one a record player lays ready to be used. I placed the record on and move the neadle, the tune that was played the first time we met each other began as I swayed back and forth. A smile crept on my face. She might be gone but, her friendship is near and dear to my heart. The song ended and I flipped the record over and played it again when Madison's voice came over the speaker.

'Hello to the family of Jamieson Jackson I am Madison Solomain an old friend of his, he always was a man you couldn't help but enjoy the company of. We were never in a romantic relationship he was my best friend, the accident that transpired over a hundred years ago took him away and I blamed myself for it so I want to say I am sorry. Jamison was a good man, a brilliant actor and, a genius inventor. I miss Jamie deeply and I know you do to, but he wouldn't want me or anyone blaming themselves for an accident. Bless you all. '

I grabbed the record off the player and labeled the sides 'song' and 'final apologies', it will be a long time before I see her again. But our time together stopped when the accent happened. I was carving that dammed pumpkin over and over again until I cut my finger which never had been in the loop before. I closed my eyes and suddenly, everyone else was there and my pocket watch had the ability to manipulate time slightly. I was still young but it was far in the future. Now I learn that my best friend was aging all this time so we could've seen each other in all this time. I put the record on my shelf with the others I own, before sitting on my bed taking off my hat and giving a silent sigh, I have new friends and I should spend time with them before I can't. With that I head back downstairs to see everyone doing there hobbies Anti kniting, Chace doing quiet tricks, Marvin practicing magic, Shneplestien and, Jackaboy reading. I grabbed my novel and dusted off my chair before settling in it was quiet and for the first time in a long time I wanted to say something to break the silence, I smirk and throw the novel on the ground miming laughter when everyone jumped. Anti was first to laugh with me everyone else joining slowly. I focus on making my word box appear when static came over the TV speakers "you chaps are my good friends of mine and I thank you for it. The old days are behind me but friends are as eternal as a time loop."

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