introducing the egos (pt 2)

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I hesitated at the door I had told the egos that Gab was coming over five days ago. At first it was confusion then all except Anti said they where exited. I opened the door expecting the yelling and screaming at each other that normally greeted me I heard. "Where is my tie!" Anti shouted in a black three piece suit, similar to the one Felix wore on his wedding day. "Anti, if you lost your brand new necktie, so help me!" Henrik responded in a white button down with a black necktie tucked in a black vest. He smoothed out his clothes checking himself over in the mirror "Here, it fell of the couch." Chase was wearing a grey three piece suit with a grey bowtie as he handed Anti a black necktie. "Thank you" Anti huffed moving to put on the tie "Alright I finally got Jackaboy out of the bathroom." Marvin called dragging Jackie behind him. Marvin was wearing a purple button down shirt, he was the only one semi casual. Jackie looked as though he didn't want to be there in a blue three piece suit with a red necktie, both Jackie and Marvin where still wearing their masks. "I look so stupid." Jackie whined Jamison who was still in his normal outfit walked over and helped Jackie straighten his tie and Chase did the same with Anti.

 "What the hell is going on here, what is with the suits." All the egos froze surprised by my entrance Chase smiled. "Today's the day we get to meet Gab bro did you forget?" I shook my head. Mark was right they were trying to impress her. "How the f**k did you get Anti in a suit!" I gestured to the dark ego dusting himself in the mirror who responded. "The real miracle is how we got Jackaboy out of his super suit," he turned back to the rest. "Also you don't look stupid you look like a normal person minus the mask." He smirked checking the collar of the black shirt he was wearing bandages that could faintly be seen peaking above it. "So you admit that it's a suit then!" Jackie accused crossing his arms. Marvin patted him on the shoulder. "Suit yes formal no. We are trying to dress to impress here." Jackie pouted, "Is it not impressive to meet a super hero?" Henrik groaned "Jack to answer your question Anti actually asked if ve should all go out and get formal vare, since he and Jackie didn't have any and didn't vant to ruin JJ's clean vhite shirts." JJ nodded picking up Chase's phone pulling up a video from four days ago. Jack watched Marvin and JJ lead Anti and a whiney Jackaboy man around the formal ware. Anti looked confused and uncomfortable but he was trying to find one he liked. Jackie on the other hand was fighting Marvin at every point. JJ held up the black three piece suit that Anti was wearing now. Anti grabbed the black tie and his outfit was done. Jackie seemed upset as Marvin handed him the blue suit with the red tie. JJ unmuted the video and the first thing jack heard in the video was Henrik saying. "I never thought Anti would be this easy to vork vith and Jackie vould be the problem child. I am so proud and so disappointed in the opposite people you vould assume." Chase laughed at that Marvin the dragged Jackie over to Chase and Henrik. "We got everything so let's go." The video ended and JJ handed the phone back to Chase.

 "Is everyone ready" he said putting the phone in his pocket. Everyone nodded and Jackie pouted, suddenly came a knock at the door. Jack smiled only pausing to see if the egos were ready as they lined up Jackie, Anti, Marvin, Henrik, Chase, Jameson. Jack opened the door swallowing. Watching Evelyn walk up the pathway her bags in hand a smile grew on both their faces Jack walked over pulling her into a hug before slipping a bag away from her. "So what's the big surprise." She laughed opening the door to see five smiling versions of me and one serious stare down. I cleared my throat, "Meet Jackaboy man, Antisepticeye, Marvin the magnificent , Dr. Henrik von Shneeplestin , Chase Brody and," before I could finish Gab shouted "JJ! The baby" Hugging him. JJ immediately blushed hugging her back. "Aww tHe BaBy." Anti teased braking the stare he was giving Evelyn. "Did you hire look alkies or something." She asked letting JJ go he seemed disappointed the hug ended. Anti audibly scoffed. The two locked eyes and before I could intervene Evelyn spoke. "What's wrong Turtle" all of the egos and myself froze watching Anti intently. He moved loosening his tie and un buttoning his shirt revealing the bandages "I respect that you don't fear death, but." He glitched his knife into his hand Gab gasped at the sharp object I stepped between the two Anti growled. "Never say that or glitch b***h again, at least not to my face or you will lose your tongue." She nodded and the day continued as she talked to all of the egos avoiding Anti as much as possible until she and Jack left to head home. "I thought they'd never leave." Anti sighed taking off his tie. "you like Gab don't lie." Jackie teased some how already back in his super suit. "I didn't say I didn't like her. I respect Gab though she needs to learn self preservation." 

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