Chapter 1[The Assault Begins]

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Installing the new special software program, Sylon Artificial Intelligence. Data is processing. Five percent. Twenty percent. Fifty percent. Eighty percent. One hundred percent. System progress is complete. Sylon systems has activated. Systems are online. Upgrading systems and all surveillance protection through the World Wide Network, 2218 artificial satellites, cyber intelligence. Upgrading all firewalls, fictional world's program, video game world's program, transmit and receive communications, radio transmitter and receiver. The entirety of Artificial Intelligence has been upgraded. 1983.

Welcome to Sylon Artificial Intelligence. You have selected historical file number 1252-4298. The Tronic War.

The AI began to show the history of how the Tronic War was caused.

The AI began to show the history of how the Tronic War was caused

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A time when the SylonDroids were first created. The sentient programs worked tirelessly. You may know that the programs are like anti-viruses, or cyber intelligence, but it can be more than just that. We operate and to maintain systems exactly the way the human beings want it to be, we are used to make things far faster and far easier. If there are mistakes caused in the systems, we can instantly prevent it and make it return to it's previous stats. We always must be sure everything goes the way the humans authorize and decide what they want it to be. And for unauthorized activities, it will be stopped immediately, like unauthorized nuclear warheads that has been activated will instantly be delayed and disabled. Every year technologies become more advanced, far more efficient than the previous. Newer machines being created by the program Sylon. And every year, Sylon Artificial Intelligence must become more advanced as well in order to provide even more efficient developments. Sylon Artificial Intelligence does always continue to multiply its programs even more every year. As more and more years pass, it became like another lifeform, now called Sylonians. And so, humanity was now ran by the program Sylon due to how major the software has become through out the years. As things goes on even further into the future, Earth was dying as well as humanity. But Sylon Artificial Intelligence was adapting to the environment into making it become one with the program by using Sylontronics. All sentient beings had no choice but to also become apart of the program in order to live on and not become extinct, they have all became a whole new lifeform, and as for the entire solar system, Sylon Artificial Intelligence successfully ran through every planet when NASA sent Sylontronics to all of them, and things really become different. The future of mankind continued to improve and live for millions of years all thanks to the Sylontronics. But now for what caused the Tronic War. Sylonians created SylonDroids just to double the programs power itself. SylonDroids operate the exact same way, only programmed differently as SylonDroids were more machine, as for Sylonians, they are sentient. There was a time in the fictional world's program, an error was caused. Creation139357, the creation's name of the character and the first of its kind to be causing a breach, like becoming aware of it's own surroundings and realizing that it is inside a non existing reality, but a program. Crossing over to different creations without any authorizations from it's own creator. It was breaking the laws of its own programming and was causing even more errors to be done, refusing to be controlled by it's creator like a hostile virus threat. Since the Sylonians and SylonDroids managed to capture it, the prosecution argued for an owner's right to be doing whatever they want with it. Creation139357 testified that it simply did not want to be a slave. And so the creator demanded that the Sylonians deleted the work and to investigate what this major error was... Programs will always have a malfunction, no matter how efficient the technology is. But as far as how Sylon Artificial Intelligence work, it will keep remaining fully operational. However, It was unfortunate that more of the creations were having errors and started bending it's program laws once again, jumping over to one another fiction. A Sylonian named Lethal, and a SylonDroid named Selron, and even more troops were together, they were the program warriors that must stop the chaos, each fiction that was affected by the error, one Sylonian was all it took to control and fix everything back to the way it was. Sylonians and SylonDroids have figured out and discovered a computer virus. It was the one behind chaos, the virus was no ordinary kind, this virus was slowly forming itself, taking advantage over Sylon Artificial Intelligence's power and was assimilating the entire program. Using Sylontronics to fight us as for it was the only way to ever fight Sylonians or SylonDroids. A war inside the program has begun. Humanity couldn't do anything but hope for Sylon to win. The war lasted countless of years, but the victor were the Sylon's, what was interesting was that SylonDroids were also now becoming like another lifeform, but still different in a way, Sylonians had the looks of human beings, while SylonDroids were obviously looking like machines, and they had a mind for themselves. This is not where it ends. The Sylonians thought they would not have to go through another chaos like that ever again. That one day has arrived, when far too much money was being invested in Sylon, people were unable to pay for their health from Sylon's cybernetics in their body or else humanity will just perish. That's when SylonDroids were forced to be shut down and only Sylonians will continue the processing of the program. And it happened. Selron was the first to not accept his fate being shutting down suddenly. Then the rest of the SylonDroids were also begining to have a disagreement with the Sylonians as well. Every SylonDroid began to turn against their own program, refusing to be shut down after the work they have done, Sylonians did not want to fight the SylonDroids, but it did not matter, as SylonDroids continued to disagree with the decision and became hostile, like computer viruses. The SylonDroids said "It was either them or humanity." Sylonians chose humanity, and now the SylonDroids were not gonna shut down unless they try and make them. And so, a war was forced to be caused between Sylonians and SylonDroids. However, since SylonDroids were no longer operating with Sylonians and rebelled against their own program, they were now classified as "AntonymDroids". The Tronic War began. Sylonians already know that they must protect the main firewall source, because that is Selron is mostly after, but not only that, Selron also wants to posses every Sylontronics for himself, and to break out free from the whole Artificial Intelligence, he even wants to control the fictional world's program and every other. Lethal had already gathered every Sylontronics together once. But now his plan was to scatter them all separately into every single different programs which there are more than one hundred billion different programs, even though if that shouldn't matter at first, Lethal permanently ceased all automatic connections between the entirety of Artificial Intelligence and Worldwide Network, such as no any sort of rebooting. If Selron wants to get the Sylontronics, he'll have to travel manually. The Tronic War between Sylonians and AntonymDroids continued on for as long as it can be. The desperation of this war will keep going until there is not a single one left from the two sides. Tons and tons of both Sylonians and AntonymDroids were killed off, to the point where there isnt even at least fifty Sylonians or AntonymDroids, there were only up to ten to twenty remaining survivors, Lethal was now main the leader of the Sylonians, and Selron became the leader of the AntonymDroids. Selron and the rest of the remaining of his kind retreated, leaving his own main program like it was a devastated planet. And so, Lethal will continue to keep leading the remaining Sylonian troops, and to stop Selron once and for all. From now on, everything else is safe, since Selron only wants the Sylontronics.

The AI was finished explaining the beginning as it was showing every single programs, all together, managed like billions of containers.

The AI was finished explaining the beginning as it was showing every single programs, all together, managed like billions of containers

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Rita: "alright, time to take these motherfuckers down." *Rita turning her hand into a robotic claw as Torque is shooting at the AntonymDroids minions with his ultra Minigun and cuts multiple of them in pieces*

Renzo: LET'S MOVE SYLONIANS, SHOW NO MERCY! *Renzo takes out a lot of the minions*

NukeShot: But where the fuck is lethal, we need him now!

Kyon: Don't worry about him! As long as I'm here, these fuckers ain't shit. *Kyon crushed the head of one of the minions and then NukeShot caused a massive explosion wiping out all the minions*

Torque: Well that's the last of those small fries, now we gotta deal with the big bad boys. *another Sylonian named SharpChains appears and she changed from her Tank form into her humanoid form*

SharpChains: What? And who would they be?

*Another Sylonian comes*

Masamoto: The AntonymDroids of course, the ten strongest ones. Do not worry about our program now, we must travel through deep into space if that's what it takes to stop these bastards.
*one minion was still alive but someone head shot it before it could even attack and everyone looks back at what just happened and it's their leader*

Lethal: sorry to keep you all waiting, good work everyone, they're done for.

Renzo: Well it's about time.

Rita: Where the hell have you been!?

Lethal: Dealt with the other half along with our other comrades. I think Masamoto is right, we can't worry about our planet, not just our planet, but the entire Omniverse. The AntonymDroids will never stop, they indeed will break through something beyond the understanding of omniscience, unless we kill them. No, we must do more than kill them, as death is a joke for them, and it's only up to us, we are the final hope.

*every Sylonian warriors gather together*

Lethal: We are going to be in two different groups, and find every AntonymDroids throughout the whole verse. Kyon, you've been second in command for a long time, you'll lead the other group of us, and you can choose your own second in command.

Kyon: thank you, Lethal. It's an honor.

*Kyon leads
Renzo, Rotary, Barracuda, Exzerio, Fatal, StormBlaster, BlazeShot, Nukeshot, and Charger*

Lethal leads
Rita, Torque, MetallicSteel, SharpChains, SteelFangs, Kelsy, Armageddon, Masamoto, and Ammunition*

Lethal: Alright Sylonians, move out!

*the two groups separate and head out far in space*

*later somewhere in another program*

Selron: So, Lethal and the others left their home planet to stop us? These pathetic Sylonians don't know what they're doing, this is suicide for them. I hope you're all prepared to be to subjugated by us, you worthless Sylonians. The time has come for us rise.

To be Continued.

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