Chapter 1

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Just a quick note. If you see words that are Italic like this , its the thought of a person.

Bio of Y/N L/N:

age: 20

birth: February 15

F/s/n: First Stage Name

L/s/n: Last Stage Name 

Looks: Black hair reaching her back, Ocean eyes, Average body

Likes: Reading, making songs, listening to songs, singing, dancing, doing exercises playing instruments like (piano,any type of guitar, harmonica, harp), Seafood, cool weathers, playing volleyball, her friends, her manager, Rintarou, Ema, Juli, and The Asahina family

Dislikes: Being home alone, insects, traffic jams, her past 

Occupation: Vocalist

Moving on 


-Ema's POV-

Inside the train, I can see from my view the buildings and the clear sky. I thought to myself when is Y/n gonna come home and meet our new family and meet the people who'll be our new brothers. But mostly thinking about Y/n. Its been six years since we saw each other.

"Y/n-neesan,d-don't go!!!" I  yelled while crying hard because her leaving is painful.

"I'm sorry Ema-chii, but I have to. I know its hard and painful to leave you and father." Y/n-neesan said calling me by the nickname Juli called me.

She kissed me on the cheek  and hugged me tight. Doing what she did to me to papa and reassured him that she's gonna be fine

It was the time Y/n-neesan had to leave because of her job being a vocalist on a band. Her manager, Genzo Eiji, is the one taking her to the airport. He had supported Y/n-neesan since their band debuted and papa has his full trust on him. Seing Y/n-neesan performing on the stage was one of my dream, but I can only watch them from the television.

 And If I'm wandering through the city, their band was being played on the big screen of a buliding. She was fourteen that time and I was ten years old. Since their new song was released, they became popular in just four months. Then month by month , they'll have a new song coming up and their first album was created. 

They became more and more famous not only in Japan but other parts of the country in the world. I'm proud to have a sister like Y/n-neesan since Y/n-neesan singing is beautiful and full of emotion. She has a talent of making songs that can touch the heart of the people around her. But, knowing Papa and Juli, they din't accept at first but since Y/n-neesan is so determined and passionate of her job , father agreed it. Juli just also went with it and that it will be ok.

 At first I wasn't happy at the thought of her leaving  but since its her dream to become a vocalist I supported her like a sister would. Y/n-neesan also understands Juli when he speaks to me, but she never revealed it to him and told me to keep it a secret to him. 

"B-but...who will cook p-pancakes with me when y-your gone? D-do the chores w-while s-singing? W-when I play Zombie H-hazard?" I asked still crying my eyes out.

"Ema...everything's gonna be okay..." Papa said with sadness in his voice.

"No! I'll be lonely again without  neesan while you're gone! Juli is also gonna miss her! I'm gonna take care of Juli alone! Y/n-neesan, take me with you! " I was saying all the things that I wanna say before I'll meet her again, and wishing that I could be with her.

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