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*corbyn pov*
"I mean you never really loved her right" Taylor asked me. Of course I loved y/n. As matter of fact she's the only thing I've been thinking about. I miss the way she used to laugh at my dumb jokes, I miss the way she would get excited about the little things. "Nah" I hesitated to respond. Taylor laughs. After a minute or two I suddenly hear a small voice. I voice I know too well. It's y/n. She's sounds broken. "Don't mean to interrupt your conversation but do you know where Zach's phone is" I see the tears run down her face. I quickly end the FaceTime call with Taylor. "Y/n how long have you been standing there" I ask quietly. "Long enough" she manages to get out. She storms out of the room forgetting to get Zach's phone. "Wait y/n I didn't mean it" I say chasing after her. "Don't talk to me or ever contact me again corbyn. I loved you. I really did. I guess everything happens for a reason though. You will never
love mean as much as I loved you" she said pointing her fingers at me. Zach runs to her. "Y/n what happened" he then turns to see me. "You're dead besson" he whispered.

*y/n pov*
I grabbed piper and stormed out of the house. I had to wipe the tears off my face and pretend it didn't hurt. Deep down it really did. I felt worthless. Why would corbyn ever day that? I thought what we used to have was something special. Not to him apparently. Corbyn was such a great guy to me. Helped me when I was sad, made me the happiest girl in the world. What happened with him? I thought we were gonna leave on good terms. Apparently not. I glance at my phone and I'm getting loads of messages. From both corbyn and Zach. I can't deal with this anymore. Maybe corbyn is mad that I went back to Zach? My heart it going in too many directions

*zach pov*
"Dude what the hell did you do" I screamed at corbyn. "I was talking on FaceTime with Taylor, I didn't know y/n was even here. Taylor asked if I even loved y/n. I said no bu-" Jack cut him off. "Why in the heck would you say that, you guys loved eachother" jack said. "I still do" corbyn said back. I rolled my eyes and ran up stairs to get my phone. I start to text y/n
*zach phone*
Zach: y/n are you okay do you wanna talk?
Y/n💕: I just need to be alone right now Zach. Maybe later okay? I love you and thanks for checking in on me.
Zach: okay y/n just know that I love you and I'm sorry.
Y/n💕: it's not your fault Zach. I just don't know how corbyn could say that, I thought we had something special while we were together. Could he really switch up like that.
Zach: wanna know something y/n. He still loves you.
Y/n💕: why would he had said that then Zach? I'm tired and overwhelmed. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night z

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