"She doesn't love you Corbyn"

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*zach pov*
did i hear that right? y/n was in love with corbyn. my y/n. well not mine right now but was mine. how could corbyn do this? i guess he saw a chance and took it. smart kid. who wouldn't take a chance with y/n? she's everything i ever wanted. "okay well i just want you to know that I messed up and i'm sorry" I said softly hoping she wouldn't hear me over the music. for my luck it was a slow song. seeing her gorgeous eyes looking to corbyns made me super mad. probably the maddest i've ever been tonight. madder than seeing audrey flirt with more guys at the party.

*y/n pov*
"zach please just forget it, you never loved me. If you did you wouldn't have just moved on without telling me right away" i said while taking my arms off corbyn and looking in zach's direction. "don't you ever say that i never loved you!" he practically screamed at me. god he forgot i get anxiety when i'm screamed at. i run out of the dance floor and into the bathroom with corbyn and zach's eyes both on me.
i rush to a stall and start balling my eyes out. i have lost all my feeling for zach. corbyn is forsure the one i wanna be with. and zach can't change that

*corbyn pov*
"dude why in the hell would you do you, you know she h-" i got cut off by zach finishing my sentence. "hates when she gets screamed at. yes i know corbyn. i know very well. better than you do or ever will" zach said to me while looking at me straight in the eyes. "she doesn't love you corbyn. your just an excuse to get me off her mind". i couldn't take it anymore. "just stay away from her zach. she's happy. and if she's happy without you so be it." i wanted to remain calm. but before i knew it zach punched me right in the nose. "y/n is mine" he said while he was about to throw his second punch but i turned the other way. "shut up zach. you broke her. i fixed her" i threw a punch at his cheek. he stumbled for a sec while the crowd began to get bigger. Jonah seperated us too. "get away from me and stay away from y/n" i said while putting my hand in front of my face" i walk away and go to try to find y/n's best friend zoey. "jeesh corbyn what happened to you" she said gasping looking at my shirt covered in blood. did she not just see what happened a few minutes ago? "can you go in the bathroom and get y/n. i need to talk to her and we are gonna leave" i asked her. she went into the bathroom and after about 30 seconds came out with y/n. god she looked perfect. "corbyn what happened are you okay" she said giving me the biggest hug. "i'll explain in the car, but we should leave" she nodded and i put my arm around her and walked out.

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