"dude just leave her alone"

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*zach pov*
"Guys do you wanna go get some breakfast?" I asked them while fixing my hair. "Only if I know where corbyn went" jack says. "Dude he went with y/n yesterday, the party was "annoying him" he said" daniel replied. I felt furious. I roll my eyes and go on my phone. I'm getting tagged in so many things. I click on one and it's a video of me making out with Taylor. I shake my head in disbelief. Did I cheat on y/n? Again. Then there's a video of me telling corbyn that he can go back to "that worthless piece of shit y/n". I lay down and groan. "Dude what's wrong" Jonah says. "YOU GUYS DIDNT TELL ME ABOUT EVERYTHING IM GETTING TAGGED IT" I screamed at them. "I didn't want to get you mad" jack said. "Let's just go" i said shaking my head. We get into the Jeep and daniel says "where do you guys wanna go?" "Starbucks" Jonah and I say at the same time. We all laugh. Had to admit it felt wicked weird without corbyn here.

*y/n pov*
We arrived to starbucks and corbyn hesitates go get out of the car. "Corbyn come on let's go". I say while motioning my hand to him. "I don't think we should" he says glancing over at a red Jeep. It's the band Jeep. "It'll be fine don't worry about it" I replied. "I really don't want Zach go cause a scene with you" . I smile. Corbyn cares about me more than I thought. "I talk to him if he does, okay?" I say while grabbing corbyns hand. He smiles and nods. We walk in and big surprise we see the boys. Daniel smiles at me and waves. Daniel has always been sweet to me. I've known him for a while and have talked to him a ton. Actually there's a story between us. His mom was best friends with my mom. So that's what made us become friends. He's the one who introduced me to Zach when I had to come over for a family dinner and all the boys were there. He was super sweet to me back then and is still sweet now. the rest of the boys just stare at me and corbyn. But Zach is doing more than just staring. More like death staring corbyn. I grab corbyns hand and we go to order. "Do you guys wanna sit with us?" Jack says. "Uh sure?" I say while searching the menu on the wall. They start giggling. "What's up avery?" Corbyn says while I order. "Nothing Zach's just trying to steal his girl back" I turn to see Zach staring at me and smiling. I roll my eyes. "I'll be back I gotta run to the bathroom real quick" corbyn says while giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile at him. Zach comes over to me. "I'm sorry y/n, for everything I'm serious" Zach says. The rest of the boys stop talking. "Cool Zach" i say back . He rolls his eyes. "Please give me another chance. Y/n you know you don't love corbyn like come on" he said shaking his head. "Dude just leave her alone." Daniel said getting up in front of me

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