Chapter 6

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Ryland's POV

It was like 2:22 pm, I didn't tell Shane that I snooped on his conversation because I didn't want to seem rude. Shane was taking a nap and I thought I should go home because I haven't been home since yesterday morning. I write Shane a note that I left on the coffee table next to the couch he was sleeping on.

Shane I went back to my house don't worry about me, I just thought it was time to go home. I'm just going to tell you now so I have to tell you face to face but I snooped in on your conversation went you were talking to Garrett. Your probably worried about Dylan finding me but I will be fine. Please don't be made a me
-Ryland <3

I wrote the note and went to grab everything that I had in Shane's room. My house wasn't that far so I just walked. My parents knew about me sleeping over with Shane so they wouldn't care. They didn't know Shane but they were okay with it, that's a little bit of a stretch they were kind of terrified from what had happened with Dylan.

Shane's POV
I woke up it was 3:55 and Ryland had no where to be found. I got up and went to go find him. I found a note, at first I was nervous but then he explained that he was listening on the conversation but did he listen to the whole conversation. He never mentioned that he knew about Dylan coming to our school. I had to text

[Shane] RYLAND

[Ryland] what

[Shane] omg thank god

[Ryland] what are you worried about???

[Shane] I saw your note and that your listened on the conversation and I don't really care but did you listen to the part were Garrett said that Dylan is coming to our school

[Ryland] oh shit

[Shane] so get your ass over here

[Ryland] ok well I have to tell my parents

[Shane] fine but I will come pick you up

[Ryland] wait but what is the worst that can happen

[Shane] he could find you can kill you

[Ryland] ughhhh ok fine here's my address *********

[Shane] thx now ask your parents

[Ryland] ok

2 minutes later
[Ryland] they said no

[Shane] what!!

[Ryland] I'm kidding they said yeah it would be for the best and be careful soooo yeah

[Shane] cool and I'm outside so come on out

[Ryland] ok

"Wait why did you drive over here if you didn't know if they were going to say yes" he said

" well if they want the best for you they would say yes" I replied not knowing what to say

"Ok" Ryland replied
Sorry for not posting I've been busy doing nothing so yeah. Byeee

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