Chapter 21

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Shane's POV

I saw Dylan in the halls of this prison we call school. I ran up to him, getting in his personal bubble.
"Listen here buddy," I took Dylan by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against his locker,
"Don't you fucking dare touch Ryland again. What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"I see that Ryan told you what happened." Dylan smirked.
"Don't fucking say his name!" I shouted in face.
"Don't worry, I can do worse, so can James but you already knew that," Dylan said smugly.
That fucking bastard. My jaw visibly clenched and I tried to hold in the anger for Ryland, but I couldn't this time. Sorry, Ry.
My fist collided with his cheek, and he fell back into the locker. He held his cheek, muttering swears under his breath.
"Shane!!" I heard a familiar voice shout out.
"Ryland?" I turned around to face it, looking around.

But then everything went black...

Ryland's POV

I went to run after Shane but I couldn't, I felt a pair of hands grab onto my arms and pull me away with force.
"What the fuc-" I started, whipping around, but was quickly interrupted by James.

"Shhh, you don't want to be to loud," James put his hand over my mouth.

"What the fuck do you want?" I muttered under my breath as soon as he let go on my face.

"I want you to be quiet," he answered. "It's that simple."

I shook my head, ignoring his command "I need to go help Shane though," I explained.

"Like I would give a fuck?" He snapped, his glare pierced into my soul.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked with little confidence I had left.

"Because Shane deserves it," he scoffed.

"Shane doesn't deserve any of this. He deserves to be happy and love, not beaten and hurt!" I said with passion in my voice, but it was quickly beaten down by his glare.

"You both are worthless pieces of shit" James snarled as his fist met my face. I went into shock, my eyes teared up in response. I looked up at him.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted, ramming my leg in between his legs. Kick them in the dick if you have to. He instantly fell to the ground, groaning. I bolted while I still had the chance.

I ran as quickly as I could to Shane. He was on the ground, in pain.

"Shane, come on, you need to get up," I said, shaking him, tears forming in my eyes.

"Ryland?" He asked, reaching his hand up to my face to cup it.

"Yeah it's me" I assured him, placing my hand on top of his. He let a weak smile wipe across his face. "Come on, we going to the office," I told him, helping him up.

As we walked into the office, everyone in there was astounded. Gasps were heard as I had a limp Shane in my arms.

"What happened!?" The lady at the front desk asked with shock in her voice.

"There was a fight..." I answered, gesturing to Shane, "He's hurt."

They took Shane from my arm to help him. He groaned in response as they took him away from me.

"Mr. Adams, you have a black eye, do you want an ice pack?" The nurse kindly asked, approaching me.

"Uh, sure thanks," I said, taking it into my hands. I had forgotten that I was injured. I was so worried with Shane that I forgot...

The principal brought me to his office that was connected to the main office. I sat down in the chair across his desk.

"Ryland, can you please tell me what happened?" The principal asked, folding his arms.

"Well Shane's and I ex's have been hurting us lately. Umm, they t-teamed up to hurt Shane and I. Once Dylan put me in the hospital and James hurt Shane by hurting me in the halls. I don't want to get into detail about what happened behind closed doors, but it wasn't great." I explained. I had to hold back the tears, of course it was hard to talk about it, but it had to be said.

"I see Ryland, I'm sorry that this happened to you and Shane. I will have Dylan and James transferred in the morning." The principal said.

"Really?!" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Yes," he repeated.

"Thank you so much," I shook his hand.

"You're welcome, do you want to go check up on Shane?" He question, I nodded my head and went out the door.

"Shane!!" I yelled, seeing him in the nurse's office.

"Hi..." he groaned.

"I have good news!" I exclaimed, grasping onto his hand.

"What?" He wondered.

"James and Dylan are getting transferred to a different school!" I said with joy.

"Oh my god. Thank fuck," Shane said with a relieved sigh.

Shane and I basically stayed there for the rest of the school day. We watch as kids went in and out of the office.

Teachers came in and gave us our work or homework for that night. I saw Dylan and James coming in and I got pretty scared.
I was already laying beside Shane but I backed up more into him.

"Hey you're safe" Shane whispered into my ear, wrapping his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, nuzzling closer to his neck. I let a small smile wipe across my face.
For once, I did feel safe in someone's arms. It was none other than Shane's arms.

That's the end of the story, I hope you enjoyed it. I will be making more stories, I'm actually working on one right now. I don't know when it's going to be posted so keep and eye out for it. Thank you for reading this book.

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