Chapter 15

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Ryland's POV

It was 7th hour and class was almost over. I wanted to ask Shane about him and James so badly but I didn't want to trigger him.
Their relationship didn't sound that good based of their conversation.
The bell finally rung announcing that school was now over. I told shane that he should wait in the car while I went to my locker.
I started walking out of class so I could make it to my locker before a bunch of people started to run through the halls.
I began getting my things until I felt a cold presence behind me. I turned around thinking it was Shane but when I looked up I saw James.
He had a devilish smirk on his face
"What do you want James" I scoffed turning back around to close my locker, sadly no one was around
"Oh someone's feisty" he said pushing me into the lockers
"James leave me alone" I responded
"Why, because you're dating Shane" he growled
"Maybe, now can you leave me alone. I feel very uncomfortable" I shivered
"Oh come on I just want to have a little fun" he said running his hands up my shirt touching my sides. He leaned in for a kiss and I tried to squirm out but it didn't work. He was going in for another kiss.
" get off of him" I heard someone say pulling James off of me.

I saw Andrew pushing James off of me while Garrett was trying to comfort me
" hey hey you okay?" Garrett asked
I was in pure shocked from what just happened. That hasn't happened since I was dating Dylan
"Yeah I-I'm fine" I responded
"Where's Shane?" Andrew asked
"I-in his uh c-car" I stuttered
"Ok let's go" Andrew said looking up at Garrett

Andrew's POV

We tried to find Shane in his car. When he saw us helping Ryland walk he quickly got out of his car.
"What happened?" Shane asks
"We found him with James" I answered
"He tried the shit he did with you" Garrett finished
"What the hell, is he okay?" Shane ask
"He's in shock, take him home" I told shane
"Ok" Shane said

Shane's POV

"Hey you okay?" I ask while starting to drive away
"I guess I just forgot about that feeling of being vulnerable" he said looking out the window
"It's okay to feel vulnerable or scared" I assured him
"I know, I just haven't feel that scared or vulnerable since" he trembled snuggling next to the window
"Dylan?" I ask
"Yeah.." he whispered
"Ugh Ryland I'm so fucking sorry, if James didn't hate me he wouldn't of done this to you" I angrily said
"Shane don't blame yourself for his actions, you couldn't of known he was going to go this" Ryland comforted me
"But I should've known, when you found us in the hallway he was talking about how.. how cute you were, I should've known he would try something like this" I hated myself for letting this happen
"Shane stop, you cannot blame yourself for this. I'm fine stop blaming yourself for his actions. You did nothing wrong well besides blaming yourself." He said and gave me a small kiss
"Ok but I still feel bad" I whispered
We finally arrived to Ryland's house, we didn't tell anyone what happened because Ryland didn't want his parents to go crazy.
I left the house because we both had homework to finish. I didn't bother texting James because I swore to Ryland I wouldn't do anything. I got finished with my homework so I decided I should text Ryland and see if he was done

[Shane] hey you done with homework?

[Ryland] yeah, what's up

[Shane] If you don't mind I wanted to talk about James

[Ryland] what about it

[Shane] What did he do. Did he try anything

[Ryland] he tried to do stuff. Wait do you want to come over I know it's 8 but my parents won't mind

[Shane] yeah I can come over

[Ryland] good and I'll tell you everything

[Shane] ok be there soon

[Ryland] ok

I got into my car and drove to Ryland's house.
I knock on his door and a girl about 10 years old answered the door.

"Hi I'm Morgan are you Ryland's friend?" She asked
"Yeah" I spoke
"Ryland your friend is here" she yelled
"You can just go to his room, first room on the left" she said

I saw Ryland sitting on his bed. He looked like he was crying, he came up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Hey what's the matter" I ask
"If Andrew and Garrett didn't come I don't know what would've happened, Shane I'm scared" he cried
"What happened?" I wondered siting on the bed with him
"I-I was getting m-my things from my locker. I felt a c-cold presence b-behind me. At first I thought it was you but then I turned around I s-saw it w-was J-James. H-he p-pushed me a-against the l-lockers and he k-kissed m-me. H-he t-tried t-to k-kiss m-me agai-n b-but Andrew p-push him o-off of m-me before h-he c-could do m-more." Ryland stuttered and sobbed. I felt bad for what happened to him.
This is the second time this happened to him.
"Ryland I'm sorry" I said but I heard nothing but small snores.
I guess Ryland got so tired trying. I lied him down on his bed and tucked him in.
I left him to sleep, told his mother that he fell asleep and left the house.
I got a call from James

*incoming call from James*

"What do you want James"

"Hi Shane, hows your boyfriend"

"Why did you do that"

"He's already dealt with enough with"

"Dylan, yeah I know. Dylan and I became great friends"

"Makes sense you both hurt people in ways they can't really forget"

"Oh please you liked what I did to you and Ryland liked what Dylan did to him"

"James no one likes getting beaten and raped"

"Oh but it was so fun to watch, Shane do you remember what happened"

"Yeah I do psychopath"

"Oh and I'm ending this conversation"

*phone call ended*

How could someone just watch as someone suffers. I don't get it, I just need to keep Ryland away from James and Dylan.

*Next day*

[Ryland] hey I'm not going to school today, I don't feel good today

[Shane] ok. Feel better soon

[Ryland] thank you

^I'm to lazy to write^

"Hey where's Ryland" Andrew asked
"He said he wasn't feeling good but I think it's because of James" I responded
"God damnit, guys James really messed him up. Yesterday he cried himself to sleep" I whispered so no one else could hear.
"He'll be fine" Garrett says
"How do you know that, he could barely speak a sentence without stuttering" I said
"I know that because Ryland so strong" Garrett responded
"I just don't want him to do anything he'll regret" I replied
"I know Shane we all don't want him to do anything like that" Andrew said

A/N and that's all for today (what sounded weird) anyways this chapter took a while to write i don't know why but it did. Bye

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