~Chapter One~

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I walked down the streets of Magnolia. Thinking about her. It's been a while since she left.

Six months since she left.

I wonder if she'll really come come back.

I need you now.


***A Few Hours Later***

I threw on a shirt and went to jumped on my hammrock. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep thinking about her. 


You have to come back.

***5:30 a.m.*** (I'm super lazy. -_- heh.)

I woke up to Luce's scent mixed with blood. I bolted from my hammrock so fast I stumbled. I walked to the door. And saw...

No way.


"Natsu..." She mumbled. She passed out and I caught her before she hit the ground. She started breathing heavily and coughed blood. I gently carried her braidal style inside the house.

I took her to the hammrock and genly laid her down. I went out to get the aid kit to wrap up her bandages. I lightly peeled of her clothes leving only her panties and bra on (Because Natsu's to dense to be a perve. ^_^) I closed her wounds and tightly banaged them. I brought some extra blankets and an extra pillow. I went out the door to sleep on the couh. 

"Natsu..." I turned around. "Please sleep with me...I don't want to be alone." I smiled as I walked toward the hammrock. "Alright." I pulled the cover around the both of us. Lucy herself against me. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She cuddled her head next to me. 

"It's alright. You're never alone." I said.   

***10:30 a.m.***

I opened my eyes to find Luce's peaceful sleeping face. I chuckledand and queitly got of the hammrock. I tip-toed toward the door.

"N-natsu?" I flinched. I turned around.

"Yes, Luce?" She proped herself on her elbows. I went over to her and helped her sit up. She groaned and winced in pain. "Careful. You're wounds are still freash."

"Natsu? Where are you going?" Her eyes begged for answers. She so darn cute...WAIT WHAT. I did not just think that. (Yes you did Natsu. ^_^

"I going to make brekfast?" I answered. 

"Let me go with you!"

"But you're wounds are still haven't healed yet." 

"Please let me go with you!" She begged. I sighed and decided that I'll let her win. I helped get out of bed. She leaned on me and walked slowly. I relized she was in her bra and underwear. I looked away and blush. I threw her a shirt. "Wear this."

I held her by the waist as she threw the shirt over her head, wincing as she did. "You all right?" I asked. "I'm fine. I'm fine." She was clearly frustrated.

We carfully made our way to the kitchen. I sat her on a chair. I made breakfeast as a heard Lucy humming to herself. I smiled, thankfull that she's back. 

"Natsu? What do you do after this?" Lucy asked.

"Go to the guild." I said, thinking about the first time I meet Luce.

"What's a guild?" I dropped the cup I was holding. I heard the cup clatter against the floor. 


"You don't remeber anything about Fairy Tail?"

"Fairy Tail?"

"Lucy what do you remeber?" 


~The End of Chapter One~


This chapter was getting very long. It's about 532+ words. So I decided to add it in a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed!

Bye Nakama (^_^)/

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