A Day of Life with NaLu~Plushies

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Surprise! The artwork above is made by me~

You might not see it well because of the camera and I'm not that great of an artist, honestly. But I was inspired by Juvia making those plush Grays and everytime I draw her there is plush Gray on her. So I was like...let's make a plush Natsu, and Jellal! And that's when this drawing and one-shot idea came along. 

Anyway,I thought that the story was taking a dark turn and I just felt like writing something relaxing and short. So~I decided that I'll make another A Day ofLife With NaLu. one-shot. Tough it's mostly just Juvia,Erza and Lucy having a sleepover.

***9:30 p.m.***

Lucy sat cross-legged on the floor. She, Juvia and Erza all decided to spent the night together. They were now eating sweets and watching a movie. Lucy sat on the rug with a picture of Gray, Erza sat on the right side of the couch and Juvia sat on the right. Juvia was hugging a pillow with a picture of Gray.  

Lucy then relized that this was the first time she was in Juvia's room. She looked at all her furniture. Most of them had Gray on them. But one thing caught her eye. Juvia was wrapping her hands around a plushie that looked like Gray. Lucy thought it was absoultly cute. 

"How did you make that plushie?"Lucy asked.

"Oh this?" She asked, pointing to the plush Gray. "It was a talent of mine."

"I think it's really cute!"

"Oh really! I hoped that Gray~sama would notice."

"I'm sure he will! What not to love?"

"Thank you Lucy!"

"I wish I could make a Natsu plushie. I'm sure it'd look cute."

"I know! Let's make plushies!" 

Erza turned off the tv and raised an eyebrow. "Sure why not." She shrugged.

***3:30 a.m.***

Lucy sighed and wiped a drop of sweat from her forehead. She was sure that Natsu was frantic without her. But knowing him, he's probably asleep by now. Lucy smiled thinking about Natsu. She brought the needle out and tied off her last stitch. "Done!" She said exhausted. She showed Juvia and Erza the plush Natsu. "He's soooooooo cute!" They squealed. Lucy smiled. "Yeah."

He friends looked at her. "You lo~ve him." They teased.

Lucy looked at them and smiled. "Yeah. I do. I do love him." She blushed slightly. But she couldn't hide the truth could she? She really did love Natsu.

"I feel the same way with Gray~sama." Juvia said.

"As do I with Jellal." Erza has never said this to anyone. But she trusted them.

Erza tied her last stitched and snipped the string. Thye were all exahusted. "We should go to sleep." Erza commanded softly. Juvia and Lucy nodded. They laid there heads on the pillows and covered themselves with there covers. They cuddled with there new plushies. 

This way he'll alway be with me. They all thought falling asleep. (A/N: I'm squealing as I'm writing this and everyone's looking at me like I'm some kind of insceure person.)

~3:40 a.m.~

Natsu flipped and turned on his bed but couldn't fall asleep. The bed felt emtier without Lucy on it. He groaned and gave up on trying to going to sleep. Suddenly an idea poped in his head. He'll just go to Juvia's and sleep with Luce! 

Natsu snuck out of the house and into the Fairy Hill property. Only to be stopped my Gray. "What'd ya want Ice Princess?" Natsu wispher-shouted. 

"What'd you call me, Flame Brain?" Gray replied.

"You heard me, Popscicle!"

"Stup up, Dumbass!"

"Fight me perve!"

"Will both of you shut up!" A voice said. They turned around. Jellal looked them with a pissed expression. Natsu and Gray wrapped there arms around each other. "H-hi Jellal." They said. They knew that if they didn't behave, Jellal would tell Erza. And that woman in as scary as hell!

"What are you guys doing?" Jellal asked. Gray looked down at the floor thinking of an excuse. Jellal looked up to see Natsu climing Juvia's window. "Natsu! COme down! You know we're not allowed!" Natsu just ignored him and contuied in. 

Natsu scanned Juvia's room. He looked to that most of the furniture had pictures of Gray. He shivered and was glad that Lucy wasn't like this. He looked at the middle of the living room. Three sleeping figures lay there. There chest rose and fell. Natsu bent down to the middle figure. He pushed her blonde hair away from her face. She relaxed and sighed softly under his touch. 

Natsu looked at what Lucy was holding. It was squished between her breast. Natsu tugged on it. Lucy finally lightened her grip on it and Natsu pulled away from her. He inspected the object. "A plushie?" He asked. He instantly reconized the pink hair and scale white scarf. "A plush version of...me?" He was intensly (Is that a word? I think it is) confused. He looked down at Lucy. She looked troubled without it. 

Natsu smiled and layed down on the floor next to Lucy. He gave her back the plush which she tightly squeezed. Natsu armed his arms around her and threw the cover around the both of them. He closed his eyes and fell asleep, tightly hugging Lucy.

~Back to Gray and Jellal~

While that was happening with Natsu, Jellal and Gray have finally made it to Juvia's room. They quickly tip-toed and opened the door. 

They were welcomed to a room full of Gray themed furniture. Gray shivered while Jellal chuckled. "Looks like someone has there eyes on you." He teased. "But I got to say, I'm impressed by her lack of skill." Gray looked away blushing, hiding a smile. They walked into the living room knowing that Natsu would probably be there. 

Gray spottd him. "Natsu! You idoit! We're gonna get caught!" Gray shouted. Natsu didn't responed. "Natsu?" Jellal called. Natsu still didn't responed. The peeked and saw him and Lucy cuddling. His arms were wrapped around Lucy's waist and her head was under his Adam's apple. They snickered as they thought of Mira reaction. She'd probably faint and look like an insecure human being. 

Gray picked Juvia up and took her to her room. Jellal picked Erza up and took her to her apartment. They both discovered the plushies. Gray groaned and Jellal was surprised. They put the aside and cuddled witht there girls.

I started this on saturday and ended it today. It might take a while for updates because I'm working on two stories at once. And because I now have an obsesstion with drawing plush Fairy Tail characters. They just come out so kwaii!! *-* And I'm draw rooms for the next generation of Fairy Tail. It's just so much fun! Working on the next chapter!

Bye Nakama! ^_^/

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