~Chapter Three~

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Preview of Chapter 2:

"What're you doing here?" Asked the raven-haired boy. He stripped off his shirt.


"May I ask what you're doing here Lucy?" The scarlet-haired mage asked.

"I live here." Lucy answered questionably.


There jaws dropped. I swear I heard the wood floor crack. I flinched at there reaction and so did Luce.  Erza was the first to recover. "How long has this been going on?" 

I scratched my neck and looked the other way. My face slightly flushed. "Uh...oh...um...two..."

"Two...WHAT? Days? Weeks? Months?" Erza demended. 

"Uh..." Erza was really scarying me right now. I felt Luce squeeze my hand. I looked at her. She had that angelic look that said, It's alright. Just do it. (I thought 'NIKE!!!' as soon as I wrote that. XD) I slowly breathed in and let it out in a big sigh. "Since I stopped coming to Fairy Tail..." I trailed off. Gray choked on his own slavia. "TWO YEARS!!!" He yelled. I fliched and Lucy jumped from her seat. She instantly wrapped her arms around me. She glared at Gray and made a cute pouting face. 

"Don't shout at Nastu, Popscile!" 

I cracked up at the look on Gray's face. Gray just glared at me. 

"You made up names for everyone?!?"

I was chuckling to myself, a tick mark appeared on Gray's head.

"Nastu would never lie to me. I trust him." Lucy said softly. Everyone's eyes wided, it looked like there eyes would explode. "Don't keep you're mouths open or a fly will come in." Lucy commented. I chuckled. 

Wendy zoned in and ran up to Lucy. Lucy looked surprised at first but she slowly hugged back. Wendy looked up. "You may not rmemeber me, but I remeber you, Lucy-nee!" Tears formed in the corner of Wendy's eyes. Lucy bent down and hugged Wendy tighter.

"Wendy," She said. "I remeber first seeing you."

Wendy looked up. "You mean in defeating the six?"

Lucy shook her head. "No...It was when you were...shopping?...I was walking around. And then I saw you on a train me and Nastu took. With a blue cat...Happ, was his name?...You were with Charla...ha...You looked like you wanted to help poor Natsu with his motion sickness." Wendy looked confused at first. And then her face brightened. "Ha, ha! I remember that!" Lucy looked at her and gave her a motherly look. "And a few days later, you joined Fairy Tail! I'd call it a fateful encounter!" Lucy smiled at Wendy. "I haven't forgotten everything."

Erza turned to me. "How much is she remembering?"

"Not much. Every now and then, whenever she sees something familiar, it would trigger a memory. Most of them were about me. " I replied. Erza nodded in understanding. 

"Some of it is coming back." Lucy said. We all turned to her. Her expression darkened. "And I just remembered something. Something that's related to the quest I went on." The air was tense.

"It's still a bit fuzzy." Lucy clenched her fist. "But what I do rememeber is a femele with a pair of blue eyes. She said, 'Why don't you just die? Nobody wants you around anymore.'" Lucy's whole body was tensed up. Her voice cracked. "I think that she...she stole my memories." A tear rolled down her cheek.

 "The most percious things from me." Lucy was sobbing now. 

I went over and wrapped my arms around her. I held her like she was the most percious thing ever. And she really was. I lightly kissed her cheek. "It's aright Luce. It'll be alright." 

She sobbed in my arms for a while now. And suddenly she stopped. I lightly cupped my hand around her chin. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was softer. I picked her up braidal style and sat down on the couch. I layed her on my lap. I looked at my guildmates. They were all stunned at what happened. 

"What should we do now?"

~End of Chapter 3~

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