~Chapter Ten~

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A/N: Quick warning, this chapter will feature Lucy being tortured so heads up!


I groaned and sat up lazily. I relized that I was boncing. I took in my surroundings. I was in a wagon or what seemed like a travelers wagon. I noticed bags and crates filled with who knows what. I tried shouting but that wasn't and option because there was a gag in my mouth. 

I can't use my magic either because one, I don't have my keys and two, the chains on me are magic resistent. So that option's out.

I can't use phyiscal stregthen because there are chain on my feet. I sighed though it was muffled because of the gag. I closed my eyes and laid back. Guess I'll just have to wait for Natsu.

Natsu. I'm counting on you.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. PLeading for Natsu to come.


When I woke up, I was in a prison like cell. I heard the door open and a cloaked figure came in. "You just had to draw attention to yourself huh?" said a voice. I instently recognized the voice.

"Lisanna. What do you want?"

"They hysterically looking for you. Especially Natsu."

"Let me go, Lisanna! What go you want."

"Of course what I want is simple." She removed her cloak revealing a murderous look on her face. "I'd love to kill you, but punishing you would be more fun." Lisanna pulled out a knife and pointed near my stomache. "Now where should we mark you?" She pointed the knife up to my throat. "Over here." I shivered at the look she was giving me. "No, that'll kill to quickly." She pointed the knife to my thigh were her Fairy Tail mark is. She stabbed the knife and I screamed in pain. She laughed satisfied at my please to stop. 

I don't know how long she was doing this but she eventually stopped. She dropped the knife and left the room. "I'll do worst playing with you tommorow."

I tried catching my breathe but was too tired to do anything so I passed out.

Please Natsu,














Save me.

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