~Chapter Five~

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I woke up with Luce's mumbling. I cracked an eye open. "Luce?" She didn't respond. I sat up and looked at her. She shifted slightly and tensed her muscles. I lightly cupped her cheeks. She stopped shifting and relaxed. I layed back down. 

Luce screamed. I bolted upright. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Luce?" I shook her. "Please...don't...I'm sorry...Natsu...NO!!!" She kept mumbling and moving. I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears. "Luce?" I shook her shoulder lightly. "Luce!" 

She bolted up right. She looked at me. Her eyes were wide. She was shaking and her breathe was ragged. She was frighted. I wrapped my arms around her. "It's alright Luce. It's alright." I comforted her. 

She slowed her breathe down and looked up at me. She was crying. I wiped her tears away with my thumbs. "It's alright." I breathed down her neck. She curled up tightly. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. We stayed like that in silence. 

"You should go back to sleep." Luce finally said. 

"I will if you do." I replied. Luce nodded. "Alright I will." We both layed down on the hammrock. I pulled the blanket over us. I lightly kissed Luce's temple. I wrapped both my arms around her delicate body. She closed her eyes and sighed. I closed mine to and fell asleep.

Little did I know that Luce stayed up the whole night. And the dream was a big lead on who 'stole' her memories.

***11:45 a.m.***

I woke up the the smell of burnted pancakes. I sat up and relizied that Luce wasn't next to me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I went down the stairs. "Luce?" I called. I tracked her scent to the kitchen. She was humming softly and made many failed attempts at making pancakes. I quietly sneaked up on her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Good moring, Luce." I kissed her cheek. "Morning, Natsu." She replied, paying attention more to the pancakes then to me. I pouted. Luce looked at me. She giggled at my expression. "Are you jelous of the pancakes." She cooed. 

"I need attention too!" I replied defensivly. "More attention then pancakes." I sat on the table.

Luce laughed and set down two plates of pancakes down on the table. We sat down and ate in silence. I then had an idea. I looked over at Luce. "Hey Luce! Let's go over to the guild today!" She looked at me questionably.

"The guild?" she asked.

"Yeah, you know. Fairy Tail!" I said praticlly boncing. Luce giggled. "Alright. I guess." She had a slightly worried expression. I reached for her hand. She looked at me. "Don't worry Luce! Everythings gonna be okay!" I grinned. She smiled at me. "Alright, I trust you." 

***1:15 a.m.***

Luce start humming softly to herself has she walked alongside me. She was litterly glowing from happniess. She suddenly stopped humming and looked at me. "Natsu," she asked. "What are the people in Fairy Tail like?" I looked at her. 

"Wellllll...It's really hard to describe. You'll have to be there yourself. And you've already meet our old team." She stayed silent. 

"They're all very nice. I was so lucky to be surrounded by people like them. They're really hard to find." She turned her head to me and smiled. "And I'm glad to always have you by my side." I blushed and turned away. Luce giggled at my reaction. "You're so cute~" she cooed as she kissed my cheek. I blushed even more. 

***1:17 a.m.***  

We made it to the guild hall. I slamed the doors open, just like old time. "Guess who's back!" I yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. Lucy blushed and hide behind me. I turned around and looked at her. She was blushing feriously and slightly pouting. I luaghed. "You got something." I said.

"Huh? Where?" She asked.

"Right here." I tapped here nose. She looked at it cross-eyed. "It's called adorablness~" That made her blush even more. I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her mouth closer to mine, and kissed her passionatly. I felt her kiss back.

"Oi! Flame-Brain, get a room!" Gray shouted. Mira smacked him across the head. "Damare (Shut up)! NaLu is happening!"

I snicker. I grabbed Lucy's hand. "Come on! Let me introduce you to everyone!"

~The End of Chapter Five~

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