Chapter One

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Info: This story which switch between Vision's POV, Wanda's POV and a 3rd person POV. Changes of scene and/or POV are marked with 3 '-'s (as seen below)


She wanted him to be on his side, but he wasn't. He was just one of Stark's dumb machines again, drifting away from humanity. He left her to be locked away like an animal, trapped in a cage of lies. 


My muscles ache from the straightjacket they've forced me into. I've lost all trust now. They see me as a weapon that needs to be contained. Pain strikes my body every time I move, every time I breathe. I'm the only one treated like this. The boys, well... the boys can walk around their cell and breathe. Me? Oh no, I have to stay chained up here like a dog. I lost everything. I lost my home, my parents, my brother, and now the love of my life.

I know what the others are thinking. Scott just wants to see his daughter again. He's regretting everything, wishing he just stayed home. He might never see her again. Sam is hoping that Steve will come and save us. I want it to be Vis, but I know he would never come back for me. Clint is angry and pained.

Every time I close my eyes, I see Pietro. It hurts me. I know his death isn't my fault, but I can't help but feel like it is. If I let him stay by my side, he would still be alive. It's been years since he died, but I can't help remembering it.

Steve arrives a few hours later. He says he was given an anonymous lead to where we were. I hope it was Vis, but Steve thinks it was Natasha, I think it was too. I can hear the metal bars being forced away from each other.

"Thanks, Cap,"  Clint says. I guess Steve is working his way around the room. The sounds of more bars being forced apart from each other echos around the room. I'm not in the same room as them, though. I know if I shout, I'll be shocked by this collar. Scott and Sam are out now.

"Where's Wanda?" I hear Steve ask. 

"I think she was taken somewhere else. Let's get our stuff and find her." Sam says.

"I'll check the CCTV." Clint says. Their footsteps echo around me. My head aches, my vision blurs. Next think I know, I'm losing consciousness. The circulation has been cut off by the straightjacket. I struggle to stay awake. 

"She's through here!" I hear Clint's muffled voice shout. I close my eyes and drift off.

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