Chapter Seven

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"Where do you think you're going?" Tony asked from the dim shadows of the Compound. Vision guiltily turned around, the Mind stone illuminating part of his face. He shifted on his feet slightly as Tony began to read the emotions that shouldn't be on his face. "You're going to find her, aren't you?"

"I have to."

With a resigned look on his face, Tony nodded and waved his hand towards the door. "Go, just... Just promise me you'll return."

"I promise, Mr Stark."


I walk the cold, cobbled streets of Edinburgh in dire need of hope. 

"Come on, Wanda. What's wrong?" The Russian spy asked the Sokovian witch.

I'm alone now. Sam, Steve and Natasha have been gone a week, but it only feels like an hour. Time truely does fly. 

"Is it Vision?" The Sokovian nodded and the Russian put her weapons down to hug her. "Come here, kid."

Vision hasn't came for me yet, I don't think he will. He probably can't find me, I do spend most of my days with Steve, Natasha and Sam.

The two friends embrace, the younger one resting her head against the blonde's chest.

My arms begin to shake as the cold gets to me, pinching and biting away at my skin.

"I can't do this anymore." The Sokovian said. "I need to be with him."

I turn the corner down a dark alley way as I pull my wool hat down and put my hands in the pocket of my long coat. 

"I can help sometimes but... I just need to see him." Natasha nods understandingly.

"How will you know where to find him?"

I feel arms around me and instantly spin around. I scream and scramble backwards as a blond-haired man puts his hands up and pulls backwards. His eyes glow blue as the street lamps shine at him, illuminating a portion of his face.

"Wanda. Wanda, please... It's me." He whispers. I notice an orange glowing dot on his head and gasp.

"Vis?" I look at the human in front of me. "I thought you were more... red." I say as we both chuckle. I leap forwards, still shaking from the cold, and hug him. "How are you... You know... Human?" I ask as I let go of him.

"This... thing." He pointed to his head. "It masked me, disguised me. I don't know... how. I wish to learn how, but I'm uncertain if I will ever master its true powers."

"God, I missed you." I reply, smirking at his intellect. We begin walking down the street, casually talking.

The topic of the Avengers was brought up as we reached my apartment

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The topic of the Avengers was brought up as we reached my apartment.

"How are they all coping?" I ask.

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