Chapter Five

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Steve sighed and looked down as an private number flashed up on his phone. He expected it to be Tony, he knew it would be Tony. Who else would it be? Who else would call him? Reluctantly, he picked up the phone and answered the call. He did as Natasha told him.

"Don't speak until you know who you're talking to." Her voice said in his head, "It's an amateur's move."

"Cap, can you hear me?" Steve didn't respond. He didn't know who it was, but he knew it was someone he knew. "Cap, it's Scott, can you hear me? You know, Antman? I got really big and-"

Steve breathed out a sigh of relief, "Yes, hi, Scott. What's up?" He started rambling and stuttering, so Steve told him to calm himself down and just get to the point.

"Okay, sorry, basically, the cops came round and they put these ankle things on us."


"Oh, yeah, I called Clint and asked. We're both under a house arrest. If you need me or Clint, then sorry but we can't leave our house. It alerts the police instantly."

"Don't worry, Scott, it's fine. Thanks for showing up in Germany, I appreciate it."

"I heard Captain America needed me." Scott said with an eager shrug. Steve could hear the enthusiasm of his shrug through the phone, and chuckled. "Alright, er, bye."

"Bye." Steve hung up and smiled. His smile instantly shrunk in to a frown. The Avengers would be together if he had just signed, but he couldn't do that to Bucky. Steve got up and headed from his bedroom down to the frozen Winter Soldier. Two Wakandan soldiers were standing guard of Barnes and, upon seeing Steve, moved out of the way.

Steve walked towards the chamber and placed a hand on the glass with a sign. He'd ruined everything for one childhood friend.

"Sorry, Buck." He whispered.

Meanwhile, Wanda and Natasha were training in a boxing ring. Neither of them were giving it all because both of them were distracted, Wanda about Vision and Natasha about Clint and his house arrest. Natasha flew backwards as a blast of red surrounded Wanda.

"I'm so sorry!" Wanda stuttered as the energy faded. She ran and helped her up.

"Maybe we should call it quits...?"

"Good idea."

"Hey, Steve? How're you coping?" Sam asked as he joined Steve in front of Bucky's chamber.

Steve sighed, "I really don't know anymore."

Meanwhile, in New York, Tony sat alone in his lab as he worked on a new suit. Without Pepper and the Avengers, he was lonelier and more distraught than before. 

"Stark." A voice said through the dim lights of his basement. He jumped slightly and turned around as Nick Fury walked forwards. "You know, I thought I was leaving the world in the hands of the Avengers, and the Avengers in the hands of the famous Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. I guess I was wrong."

"This isn't a good time."

"When is a good time?" He snapped back. "Let's see who's gone rogue then. Steve Rogers - the living legend from the '40s -," He began counting on his fingers, "Wanda Maximoff - a feared but powerful being -, Natasha Romanoff - the world's greatest assassin-, Sam Wilson - a military trained being with a suit which allows him to fly, and the Vision - the robot YOU, Stark, created - have all magically disappeared off the face of this fucking rock. Along with that, Clint Barton - the world's greatest archer - and Scott Lang - an ex-con with a suit which allows him to shrink - have be placed under house arrest and James Barnes - a brainwashed HYDRA lab-rat - has also disappeared off the face of the Earth." He looked at Tony with his one eye, "And what are you doing? You're making another tin can suit."

"How did you even get in here?"

"I wasn't finished." Fury snapped. "Barnes. Why'd you try and kill him?"

"He killed my parents. What else can you do?" Tony replied angrily.

"Banner killed lots of people, but you can't forgive Barnes for something that was 15 years ago?"

"He was forgiven for the Hulk, he can't control it..."

Nick laughed, "You think Barnes asked to be brainwashed?"

"No, but-"

"Damn it, Stark, listen to yourself. You're being selfish, again. Just because Banner didn't kill anyone close to you and Barnes did, doesn't mean you should ignore everything that's happened."

"Are you asking me to apologise?"

"No, I'm telling you to." Fury turned around and disappeared back in to the darkness as he left Stark's house.

Wanda looked up as she heard footsteps behind her.

"You okay?" Steve asked as he sat down besides on her on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm alright." She lied. He knew she was lying, Natasha had taught the whole team how to tell if someone is lying, but he didn't question it further. "I want to go back to Edinburgh." She said after a short pause. 

Steve nodded, "Oh, okay. Want to go back now or tomorrow morning? It's getting late." 

"I'll go tomorrow." They smiled at each other before Steve got to his feet and helped her up.

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