Chapter Two

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My eyes open and all I can see is blurred lines. There's a hand on my shoulder. I look to the side and see a blurred figure in blue. As my senses catch up with the rest of me, my vision clears. I look back at the blurred figure, who I now recognise to be Captain America.

"Steve," I mutter, drunk from my sleep. I try and sit up, but my hands buckle under the phantom pain of the straightjacket.

"Take it easy," Steve replies. "We're on a quinjet, we're going to fix this." I look over to the front of the jet, where I see Clint at the controls, talking to someone else.

Steve sees me look, "Nat joined us. And we're taking you home, we're taking everyone home." Steve helps me up and we slowly walk to the front of the jet. I sit down besides Scott as Steve starts captaining.

"Scott, Clint, we're taking you two home to your families. Nat, Sam, you two are staying with me. Has anyone changed their mind?"

The three of them shake their heads as Nat replies with a "not at all."

"Wanda, where do you want to go?"

I think about it for a little while, and then decide, "Somewhere where they can't find me."

Steve looks over at Nat's chair. "She's going to need some help." Nat gets up from her seat and then I realise, she's dyed and cut her hair. She sees my expression and smiles warmly.

"You'll need to mask your accent. We'll send to Scotland, hook you up with a nice place to stay, so you'll need a basic British or American accent," She says. "Don't worry, it'll be easy once you get the hang of it." Nat helps me practice masking my Slovakian accent for the rest of the trip. First, we fly to Scott's home to drop him off. 

"Stay safe, regular sized man," Sam says to him.

Scott smiles back, "You got it, bird boy." Just as he's about to get off, Steve stops him.

"You might be put under house arrest. If they ask about us, say you don't know." Scott nods, and that's the last we see of him for seven years. "You next, Barton?" 


We land in a open field and Clint gets up from the pilot's seat.

"Stay safe, Barton." Steve says as Clint heads towards the exit. 

"See you guys later." He says. 

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