Chapter Six

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Wanda rubbed her eyes as the bright Wakandan sunight blinded her. She looked over at the other bed in the room, which was usually occupied by Natasha but was empty this time. She must be training. 

After the team ate breakfast and packed their things, they wave thankfully to T'Challa and head on to the Quinjet. The doors close and the jet lifts off the ground as Natasha begins to steer it away.

"Edinburgh, yeah?" She asked from the pilot's seat. Wanda nodded as she leant back against the cold metal of the Quinjet. She closed her eyes and allowed her dreams to take over.

A young girl, maybe eight or nine years old, raced an equally young boy with silver hair along the streets of her home town. She jumped over a market stall, knocking bread on to the floor. She yelled an apology as she continued to sprint. She caught up with her brother, but he sped up and left her in the dust.

Knowing she couldn't beat him, she turned down an alleyway and took a short cut. She ran through the open door and in to her home, but skidded to a stop instantly. Blood trickled down the walls and dust floated through the air. She gasped as three bodies lay in front of her. Her father was the first body she saw.

Part of his head had been cut open, exposing his brain and skull, and the rest was severely burnt. Feeling sick, she moved on to the next body; her mother.

Her mother had part of a Stark missile sticking out the side of her head. Her legs were cut and she was missing a hand. Wanda saw distinct silver hair and ran over. She crouched down besides Pietro's body, the same Pietro that died last year.

With tears in her eyes, Wanda got up and walked over to the desk in front of her. She didn't know why, but something was drawing her to the mirror on top of it.

Wanda stared in to the cracked mirror and, instead of seeing her eight year old self, she saw her current, older self.

Her eyes snapped open and two faces blurred in to view. Steve and Natasha were staring at her, worried.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked as she brushed Wanda's hair out of her face and helped her to her feet.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine... Just... Just fell asleep." Natasha gave her a doubtful look, but nodded and didn't question it further.

"We're just a few miles out, we'll be there soon." Sam commented from the pilot's seat, having now swapped with Natasha. Wanda nodded weakly.


"Hey, Rhodes." Tony said, rubbing his chest. "Here for some more requests?" Tony turned in his chair and indicated to the contraption allowing Rhodey to walk.

"I'm here to talk about Germany..." Tony turned back around and continued working over the desk. "Tony... Maybe we played this wrong."

"That's what Romanoff said."


"He'll die alone, as will you." A voice whispered in to Wanda's ear as she left the exited the Quinjet. She ignored it as she waved goodbye to the trio and headed towards the apartment. "You could never hurt me, I just feel you." A second voice replies. Wanda shakes the voices out of her head and continues walks through Edinburgh's lonely streets.


Vision felt a sharp pain in his head. The mind stone was telling him something. It took him a few seconds, but he figured it out. It didn't work. He had tried to turn off his transponder but he failed. Tony could find him still.


Sorry that it's been three weeks since the last chapter but I'm currently on holiday and don't have access to my computer. I'll be back on the 20th and can then use my computer to write more chapters.

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