Chapter Three

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I can't believe I got distracted like that. I'm not human, so why am I in love with one? I don't know what happened. Even with a mind like mine, nothing seems to explain it. Even Tony is confused. This shouldn't be happening, I shouldn't be falling in love. What is happening to me? I need to find her, to help her.

"Vision? They've escaped." Tony says, walking into the room.

"What can I do, Mr. Stark?" I ask, my robotic voice taking control. Maybe, one day, I will be human.

"Nothing. Let them, they didn't deserve it." 

"What about Miss Romanoff?" 

"Ross will be after her, but I'm not turning her in. Can't find her, even if I wanted to." He says, sighing and rubbing his head. I know that face, I've known him for twenty four years. 

(A/N: Tony Stark created J.A.R.V.I.S in very late 1991 or every early 1992, after the loss of his parents on the 16th December (1991) and the loss of Edwin Jarvis, the family butler, as a tribute to the butler, who helped him after his parent's deaths. As Captain America: Civil War was set in 2016, that would make J.A.R.V.I.S between twenty five and twenty three years old (depending on if he had his "birthday" yet). I'm going to assume he was configured in 1991, as Tony is a genius and could probably make an AI in under a month, meaning J.A.R.V.I.S would be twenty four or twenty five. Now I will assume that it is not December yet, since it looks like spring/summer time during CW, therefore J.A.R.V.I.S would be twenty four during the CW, therefore Vision's matrix would be twenty four but his actual body would be a year old.)

"Go find Wanda then..." He sighs. How does he know? "What? I can tell. You may not be JARVIS, but I still recognise him. Go on, Vision. I've ruined the Avengers now."


"He was right," She mutters. Natasha looks at her.


"Ultron. He said I would be the one to tear the Avengers up from the inside. I guess I've done it," She sighs. "This is all my fault."

"No, it's not," Natasha puts her hand on Wanda's shoulder. "You didn't do anything wrong. Stop blaming yourself. Sokovia wasn't your fault and neither was Lagos"


Maybe I can find her with this.. thing in my head. She can control it, maybe I can use it to find her. Unless I ask Captain Rogers. But how do I find him? Why would they trust one of Mr Stark's creations, one of his puppets?


"Thank you," Wanda says as the Quinjet doors open.

"I wish we could do more, Wanda," Steve says, hugging her.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," She notices Steve's worried expression, "I'll stay in touch,"

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