Chapter Four

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Steve falls down from above as a falcon's shadow flew over the dirt. A blonde woman swings her fist out at the punching bag and then slides under it as the patriotic captain throws a knife at it. It slices through the punching bag, where the head would be, and Natasha jumps up to catch it. She stabs at the punching bag and slices down the side, sand pouring like blood.

"Good job, team." Steve says as he gets another punching bag.

"As entertaining as that was, I would rather not have you spilling sand across my country. Try this, Captain." The King says as he walks out, holding the silhouette of a human.


"What else would it be?" Natasha asked sarcastically. "Tin foil?" Steve playfully hits her arm as she smirks and takes the vibranium figure from T'Challa. "Thanks for letting us stay here." T'Challa nodded and walked away.

"Alright, let's try this thing out then."

"Wait for me." A voice said through the trio's comms. Wanda lands down behind Steve. She rolls to absorb the impact and gets to her feet.

"Alright. You need to learn how to fight." Natasha says as she offers her some tape for her knuckles. Wanda looks down at it awkwardly before taking it. With Natasha's assistance, she wraps it around her knuckes as the two girls head off to a makeshift boxing ring, Sam practicing lifting Steve and dropping him. "Alright, hold your hands up like this." Natasha demonstrates and Wanda copies her. "Good, good. Now, I want you to try and knock me down by sliding in to me." Wanda nods and tries, but Natasha doesn't fall. 

"Why didn't it work? I did what you always do?"

"Try using all of your foot, not just your heel?" Natasha replies with a smile. Wanda does, and it works. Natasha falls down and laughs proudly. "Good job, kid."

"Hey! If you two have finished over there, come help us out. Steve wants to try an old move." Sam says through their comms. Natasha rolls her eyes and helps Wanda take the tape from her knuckles as they head back towards Sam and Steve.

"Wanda, I want you to try and lift me again like you did in Lagos." 

Wanda and Steve have spent about half an hour so far practicing the same move.

"Even Steve is getting tired, I can tell." Natasha whispers to Sam, who nods in agreement. They finally decide to call it quits and head inside.


Wanda collapses on to her bed and sinks her head in to the pillow. She hears the door open but doesn't look up.

"Wanda, what's wrong?" Natasha's voice asks. She doesn't have to reply, Natasha already knows. "Is it Vision?" Wanda nods and looks up at Natasha.

"I just miss him so much."


Vision sits over a desk as he concentrates on how to disable the stone in his head. The computer in front of him suddenly flashes a warning at him. "The Vision - Tracking disabled" it reads. He looks at it in triumph before walking out of the lab.

A/N: I've decided to make "Power and Pain" into a series, each book having a different MCU ship in it (not all will be romantic). Some will be canon, others will be fanon.

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