Meet the Straw Hats

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Author: the story is going to start right after Alabasta so ,Spoilers Alert!!


Third person pov

Long time ago in ohara.

Saul: listen Robin! No one in the world is destined to be alone, some day.... You will find nakama that will protect you!!

Robin wakes up in the middle of the night from the nightmare of her past. She was traveling with a group of cheerful pirates for a few weeks now after the big war in Alabasta and she had already starting to attach to them.

Time skip.

The pirate crew or how the world government refers to them: The straw hats. Were planning go to Sky Island after a huge ship fall from the sky.

They were heading to a Island called Jaya to get information about how to get there when the captain who was fishing with his friends shout to his crew.

Luffy: Oii!! Guys look at that!!

He was pointing to a bunch of scraps of wood in the ocean. It looked like someone was floating in top of one of those. Luffy then stretched his arm to grab the mysterious person.

Luffy: Gomu Gomu No! Slingshot!!

He grabs the person and lands him abruptly in the ship.

Time passes and you wake-up 2 hours later in a room that you haven't ever seen before. You tried to stand up from the futon (Japanese bed) but your left leg was hurt and it was painful to move, you also noticed that you were covered in bandages like someone was taking care of you while you were unconscious. A lot of voices are coming from outside the room and you decided to take a look while being careful to not hurt your leg.

You were about to go outside but someone else opened the door and slammed you with it.

Luffy: Oi!!! Are you awake already?

Y/n: Haaaa my face!!

Chopper: luffy, I told you to not disturb the patient!

Someone else entered the room with what it looks a first aid kit.

Y/n: A... Racoon dog?

Chopper: I'm a reindeer!!!

The little racoon dog screamed at you angrily.

Y/n: He talks!!!

The guy on his left side just bursts out laughing. He was wearing a red sleeveless red shirt, blue shorts, and a straw hat.

Y/n: excuse me, do you know where I am?

Luffy: Oh yeah, but first you might want to eat. It's already lunch time.

Chopper: you eat like a few minutes ago.

Luffy: Sanji!!! Fooood!

The straw hat boy gets out of the room and the little racoon dog stays to treat your injuries and your nose.

Chopper: you are still in bad shape, you need to rest more. I'll bring your food here.

Y/n: wow I never imagined a racoon dog could be a doctor.

Chopper: I told you that I am a reindeer!!

Y/n: a reindeer? What a progressive world we live in.

The so called reindeer puts you back on bed puts you new bandages and gets out of the room.


Y/n: Aww!! what the?

You heard like a woman laughing and you started to look around the room.

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