XI. Obvious

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Hurray for 1k+ views! 🎉 Never had that many reads in less than a week in my entire wattpad life.  Thanks a bunch!🙏

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Be kind to another!  Peace out! 🤘🖖


He nearly had his head cut off by Hin when he misinterpreted Gun earlier,  good thing everything cleared up or he might never even get to be with Hin in less than a day. 

He looked at New,  eyes closed and breathes even as he sleeps. He was tempted to kiss him but managed to stop himself when he noticed a fan sitting ahead of them recording a video.  He sighed.

"Hin, wake up.  We already landed." He smiled when a string of drool poured out as Hin opened his mouth to protest, still very much asleep.  He wiped it with his sleeve and shook Hin's shoulders.  Poor thing must be exhausted. 

"Come on, Hin."

The passengers started lining up to disembark the plane, the crew busy with helping them with their luggages.

"Hmm." New muffled trying to swat Tay's hands in his dream. How adorable to see him unaware of his surroundings, lips pouting and being effortlessly cute. 

He went near New whispered something and watched as New stiffened in alert, pink color creeping up his ears and neck. 

"Let's go." He stood up and collected their carry-ons stacked up in the luggage compartment.

"H-Help me up." Hin said so softly, almost like a whisper.  If he weren't too attentive of Hin, he would have surely missed it.

As he slowly held New's arms to stand,  he hurriedly stashed away into his carry-on the neck pillows they stacked for New to sit on.  Hin needed something hollow to relieve him from the pain since they'll be flying for more than 4 hours. He was slightly sorry for all the ache he had caused Hin. 

"You should disembark first. I'll be behind you," he let Hin carry the lightest of the carry-on so he'd be less troubled when walking. 

During the Fanmeeting

"Are you pregnant?" the MC asked and I fake laughed though I know what he meant by the question. 

He waddles. Like a duck. If he didn't kill Tay earlier, he'll surely kill him now when they go back to the hotel. 

"I am. I'm pregnant with food. Korea has amazing barbecues and I can't help myself when I see meat," he tried dodging the question but he could see the determination in the MC's face. The MC wants something juicy other than meat. He's not willing to back down either. 

"Tay keeps helping you like you got pregnant.  He's like a dedicated husband helping you walk, sit, and eat."

"He's very thoughtful and a model gentleman. He's very much caring to anyone." Tay smiled happily with the compliment.  If he wasn't injured down below,  he'd completely ignore the fact that he's inlove so he'd strangle Tay on the spot for putting me in this much discomfort.

It was great and fine during the night; in fact he loved it,  but he didn't expect the aftermath to be so bad. How does Gun appear so normal everyday? Unless, Off actually takes it. Woah, what a weird image. I shook my head off to take it out of my mind.

"Actually,  he's been suffering some slight discomfort on his back after we had School Rangers. I'm being extra attentive to him today since he didn't ask for medical attention.  I'm taking him to a spa after this so he'll get a massage."

"That's very sweet of you to think so." The MC once again complimented how great Tay is. He better bring him to spa later or else he might actually get hysterical. He can do tantrums.  He does it pretty well. He even got 2 polar bear stuff toys because of it. 

Agonizingly 3 Hours Later

His ass still slightly hurts though he got away with putting a neck pillow on his chair the entire fanmeet when the managers got concerned with my back. They don't have an inkling idea of the truth so he let them pamper him for the duration of the event.

It felt great but Tay got super annoying towards the end. There wasn't much fanservice needed from him because Tay took the entire cake.  He was painfully sweet and though he knows Tay personally,  he can't discern whether he's being a bestfriend or a boyfriend. It felt the same to him. 

"I already reserved the spa in the hotel for you. I checked it and it seems fine. Not many people are using it." Tay advertising the spa even though he doesn't need to. 

Tay is an expert with spa and aroma treatments. He even had a certificate for it when he doesn't need one since he already owns a spa clinic. 

They went to the spa area attached to the hotel as part of the business. The ambience looks decent. Phuket still has the most beautiful spa but he won't mind going to a shitty spa right now just so he could relieve his tense muscles.


"Come help me out of my pants," Hin commanded though it doesn't sound much of an order but an invite. 

"Okay," he didn't dare brook any argument because he might never get to undress Hin again. So he bent down and pulled down his jeans which Hin already unzipped. His torso was already without shirt and a beautiful expanse of his flesh laid bare. He always appreciated how lean and pale New is. He slightly got tanned from a recent show but he would always bounce back to his fair complexion after several months. 

"You're thinking something dirty, aren't you?" Hin accused. He covered his chest not so demurely but I still find it cute nonetheless.

"What if I am?" he replied honestly.  He never really learned the art of lying and his conservative personality never allowed him to. 

"Even if I want to, you can't possibly touch me now.  I'm still sore. I can't even bend forward thanks to you." Hin complained. 

"Will kisses do?" he compromised because he needs a dose of New even if it's just a kiss. He learned that french kissing New from last night was the most intoxicating things he tried. He thinks he'll never get enough of it. 

"Just kissing." Hin agreed with little difficulty.

A Few Moments Later

"Tay! You said just kissing!" New complained, ass high up bent over the spa table. 

"Yeah, I did. This still counts as kissing." Tay said from nowhere because he can't see his face behind his butt. 

"Hmmf,  Tay stop!" he muffled his shout as Tay peppered his butt with kisses. 


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