XIII. Confession

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I was supposed to update yesterday but I was too caught up with Avenger's: End Game. I'm here to make it up to you.

If you think that I deserve it then vote and share!

Peace out! 🖖🙏🤘
After the Spa Massage

New kept punching my arm when he came out from his massage session. He was apparently embarrassed with his earlier confession. I find it adorable though.

"I'm not a girl so I don't expect you to treat me so delicately but you didn't have to force the truth out from me by doing that." New kept punching my chest and arms and I let him be.

It was his fault and New is right. He should have just asked nicely. He was too struck with jealousy and it clouded his mind. If it wasn't New he would have been accused of domestic violence.

He pulled Hin's hand. New was mad at first but as Tay pulled Hin to an embrace, he immediately calmed down. 

"I was wrong." Tay whispered while his hand stroked Hin's neck.


When they fight with each other the both of them never gives in but when they do reconcile it would be with just a nod,  a hug, and a touch. It was the first time he heard Tay softly admit his mistake to him without arguments. 

The familiar hand on his neck, stroking him as if he was a cat made him melt.

Tay hated it when his neck is being touched but he ironically likes to touch Hin's. It was that soft space between the hairline and his nape that Tay always liked to put his hands on.

He didn't know that it was what made Hin realize Tay's presence. Those tiny touches he unknowningly made sent tendrils of sparks to his veins as if tiny universes explode and reborn. 

"Take me to dessert." Hin said.  It's his way of saying that Tay is forgiven. He could never stay mad at Tay.

"What do you want to eat?" Tay asked brushing off tiny crumbs of invisible dirt off New's hair. An excuse to touch Hin. 

"You already know what kind of desserts I like.  You can decide for me. I'll follow you."

30 Minutes Later
Melon Majik

"When you said that it was me, what did you exactly mean by it?" Tay asked after sipping his melon and chia shake.

He almost choked on the question.  He hoped Tay would forget but what did he expect from an animal junkie and a human google for food?

"It means what it means," he dodged any eye contact because Tay can somehow see something in his eyes that he can't explain. Silent communication has been their thing.

"Tell me honestly.  Did you like me before I you know...you?" Tay asked and Hin's eyes whipped back in shock.

"Uhmm." Hin couldn't look at Tay nor answer properly. His ears must be crimson red now.  He wished it would bleed so Tay would be disctracted.  God must have wanted him to suffer that day. All good things come with a price.

"You were jerking off when I saw you in the shower.  Was that also me in your imagination?" Tay interrogating like a prosecutor, never missing a single detail.

He laid his head on the table, closing his eyes tight not wanting to faint at that moment, melon milk shake forgotten. When he said that truth will eventually be revealed, he didn't mean it to be this way. 

"I'm not going to tease you.  Hin, look at me." Tay lifted his chin up and he pulled his best pout.  Tay likes it when he makes a lovely face anyway. Cat mode activated.

"Way before that okay? Satisfied? It's just a mild crush over you. Don't be smug about it." Hin said still his chin sandwhiching Tay's hand and the table.

Tay stooped to his eye level, smiling softly. 

"If it was a mild crush you wouldn't have touched yourself. I'm not talking about jerking off.  I'm talking about that..." Tay pointed at his butt and he slapped Tay's hand under his chin away.

"See? I shouldn't have told you anything." New crossed his arms regretting and berating himself for giving in to Tay.

"I want to kiss you right now but there are other people here." Tay whispered low not wanting people to hear.

"I'm not giving you any kisses. You're a jerk ." Hin spouted, angry and disappointed at Tay. 

"But you like this jerk." Tay pointed at himself. He stirred his melon chia drink and sipped the rest to oblivion. 

Hin looked at his melted melon milk shake and his appetite disappeared. He'll order another one. 

"Hin, look at me. This is a date,  order whatever you like and these are all on me. Please? I'm not going to tease you anymore.  Promise!" Tay, held his pinky finger and crossed it with his own. 

"You always make promises but you never keep them! You don't care enough about my feelings if I'm receiving all this shit, " New complained.

He was right to complain.  He wouldn't be in this situation if Tay had't touched him and just stuck with kissing. Tay always makes promises but never truly understands the sacred meaning behind it. Promises are made for special circumstances proof that a person goes out of his way to make it because he wouldn't usually do it.


He could see it in New's eyes that he doesn't believe anything he's saying now. There's a good reason for him to be cautious. He teased New, broke a promise and molested him on top of that too.

"Hin, look at me please."

When New still didn't look at him he grabbed Hin's hand and dragged him outside the cafe. He left behind a thousand baht to cover for what they ordered.

"Hey where are we going?" Hin asked, slightly panicked.

He didn't answer.  He looked around to see if there were people around or anybody who recognizes them.  They weren't in the peak of their career yet so old people don't recognize them.  When he was relieved and finally felt there's a little privacy, he then led New to a narrow alleyway. 

"I'm possessive and I only want you. Don't think for a second that I don't care about your feelings," he mashed his lips to Newwie and let his tongue do the apologizing.

The kiss went on and on. New's hands on his chest clutching his shirt tightly and lips pliant and sweet.  There was resistance at first but like chocolate,  Hin melted fast.

"I still want my food." Hin said wiping his swollen lips and covering up his growling stomach.

His panda needs satisfying.


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