XXIV. If You Love Me

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I changed the title of my other fanfic to Fall For Me. I didn't realize I Love You 3000 was already taken.

Peace ya'll! 🤘🖖

After his crying episode in the dressing room with Tay, they decided to go home. By home, he meant his condo.

It's high time for Tay to really move out of his family home and have his own place so he could be independent. He's not saying that Tay is immature. Tay is just attached to his Mom and Grandmother.

"So..." Tay trailed off not sure what to say or jusy trying to imply something else that he ought to know.

He raised his eyebrows. He doesn't know what Tay is trying to say.

"What?" he asked because Tay is taking his time to say whatever it is he wants to say.

"Uhm. Can I stay over?"

Why is he asking this when they're already inside his condo?

"I don't know why you're asking. Half of your stuff is already in my closet and you have your toothbrush in the bathroom."

Their lives are already so entertwined that it's impossible to disentangle them. Even Tay's cameras are kept here.

"Okay. I promise you I'm not gonna do anything." Tay even crossed his heart like a kid.

"I'm not expecting you to do or not do anything. I just want you to stay," he replied.

After all that embarassing crying moment, he wants Tay to stay beside him till morning so he'd know that everything that happened today was real.

"Okay. I'll stay," Tay stepped so close to him he thought he might run out of space.

"Go take shower! Don't dwadle in my hallway. I'll get your clothes for you."

He pushed Tay towards the bathroom and closed the door on him. He could hear Tay laughing from the inside of his shower.

He rustled his hair and decided to check his closet for Tay's clothes. Even Tay's shoes are mixed with his own. He can't even tell their underwears apart. Maybe he'll just give Tay his underwear. He wouldn't really know the difference.

He spent so much time going through the closet that he didn't notice Tay approaching.

"Hey.." Tay says, breath fanning the back of his neck.

He was slightly shocked When Tay grabbed him in the middle and pulled him close.

"You took your time. I was geting cold."

"I couldn't tell which is mine and which is yours. Maybe we should stop buying matching clothes and shoes," he sighed and gave up looking for Tay's shirt.

"I'm okay with any shirt. I wouldn't mind wearing yours."

"Yeah but I'm not okay with wearing yours. You don't wash your clothes and they stay in the laundry for months. I don't want to catch any disease festering on your shirt."

"Oww, you wound me. I'm busy you know," Tay defended

"No, you're just lazy," he countered.

"But you still love me." Tay stated.

For the first time he isn't seeing Tay's smug face. He usually likes to rub it in.

"Be glad that I'm in love you because otherwise I would have run the opposite direction."

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