X. Teacher

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Shocked? I was happy that it flowed that way. I'm kind of getting the hang hang of making cliffhangers. Get it?  Haha I have a stupid humor. 

Be kind to another! Peace out! 🤘🖖


He couldn't believe what N'Gun just revealed. Sex friends? When and where did this happen?

"Oi, don't be thinking the wrong idea."
Off knocked my head out of my wild thoughts.

"I'm in that kind of a relationship with Gun, not him and Tay. Don't even think about a threesome. My mind can't wrap around that stupid idea."

"Oh." Thank God it wasn't Tay.  How will he ever live it down if Gun had Tay first? Never. Then his mind clicked.

"Wait what?  You and Gun are sex friends?!" he almost shouted. Tay laughed while clutching his stomach on the damn floor. He thinks this is amusing?

"He still can't accept the fact that we're together so I'm stuck as a sex toy for now." Gun said as he sat on the  bed near me.

"Shut up. It's not that I don't accept us being together, it's because we're hiding it too and we settled on not making any labels and besides you can't keep a fucking a secret." Off argued.

*OffGun's whirlwind and sexual filled romance will be for another story... if  I ever finished this first.

"Then what does your relationship have to do with Tay and why would I need to be thankful for it?" New asked still curious why N'Gun said he should be thankful to them.

"We all know he hasn't touched a single boob his entire life. Where do you think he learned all the things he did to you last night?" Gun said, full of smug on his face he nearly wanted to slap it off. 

"How did he learn?" he asked with a bit of hiss on his voice eyes angrily darting to Tay who was apologetic. 

"I promise I didn't sleep with them! Swear!" Tay kneeling and clutching at my thighs was a sight to behold but he wasn't in the mood to tease him about the social-heirarchical etiquette of bowing. Right now he was pissed off that Tay knew Off and N'Gun's relationship before he did when he was supposed to be close with N'Gun. 

"He accidentally witnessed me riding Papi to heaven. He was traumatized at first but then got around the reality of our sexual relationship. We talked about the beautiful details of love making and pleasures of it. Isn't that right, Papi?"

"Whatever. He saw us,  asked how it worked and that's all. By the way,  aren't you guys gonna get going?  It'll be almost lunch and you're still here. Your plane will leave without you." Off warned as he looked at his watch. 

"Shia!  We haven't packed yet!" This time Tay was the one panicking and I was feeling drained from the emotional rollercoaster this couple brought.

"Relax Tay these sneaky, ungrateful, troublemaking couple will do the packing for us. You should just pack your backpack and change clothes.  I can't fucking move as fast as you so I'll just change my clothes.  They should drive us to the airport too," he said to Tay but was threatening Off and Gun with his eyes.

"Okay fine. FYI you were going to hide your relationship from us too." Gun said with a pout but was already getting clothes from our closet.

There wasn't a need to select shirts since Tay and I care less about fashion as long as it's comfortable. Tay will just have to borrow some of mine and probably everything, except for toiletries which Tay always brings with him in his backpack.

"We just started this relationship like an hour ago and you already ruined it," he answered back and still bummed out that their earlier romantic moment was ruined by their friends. 

"They can keep this as a secret too so there isn't any need to be angry." Tay said as he massaged my thighs and I almost melted because it's Tay touching him and he will always have a soft spot for him no matter how angry he is. 

"Fine. We'll resume talking about their secret when our fanmeeting is finished," he defeatedly agreed not wanting to waste anymore time than they already had. 

"Sure Hin." Tay agreed and proceeded to separately pack our carry on bags that'll contain all the gadgets and flight necessities. Since Tay has been his unofficial roommate,  he already knew where to look for both of their passports and stuff.  He left Tay to manage all their things while he struggled to put on his underwear and pants.

"He must have destroyed you." Gun commented noticing his earlier battle with his jeans, as he brought our luggages to the living area. 

"Shut up.  You're the same." he retorted back because Gun can't keep himself from smiling so widely. He wanted to wipe the smug off his pretty face. 

"Tell me sometime how his performance was." Gun said and he started having goosebumps from his vulgar words. Gun is too much.

"No way. Gun, you're becoming too outspoken. Seriously stop it and mind your own business," he was cringing so much on how Gun openly asked about their sex. Gun was always the partying type and has all sorts of friends, never one to discriminate, but he also picked up all sorts of habits.

"Just wanted to see if you're as curious as Tay when he 'academically' asked Off how sex between guys would be more pleasurable cause he claimed he already has an idea how it it works."

"Sometime soon," was what he responded though he really wanted to know how that particular conversation between Off and Tay went.

"Whenever works for you," Gun shrugged.

They left the condo just an hour to spare before their boarding time. The OffGun couple left with loud whistling and noisy honking which they ignored but hyped up the fans waiting outside. Just another captain shipper,  as fans would think, not knowing the real story behind it.

When they got comfortably seated on the plane he turned to Tay and bumped his shoulders.

"So, you had Off teach you how to have gay sex," he asked, teasing Tay about their exclusive sex education.

Tay slightly blushed and leaned in to whisper something to my ear.

"I don't want to tell you.  I wanna show you," he ended up the one blushing like a tomato when Tay licked his ear. Off must be a good teacher. 


"Papi,  should we have told them about the aphrodisiac pill?"

"Not yet."


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