Chapter 12- It's okay

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Justin's P.O.V

It broke my heart as soon as I heard her say those words, I see and hear her crying and I immediately rush into the room and take her into my arms, she cried into my shoulder as I stroked her hair and rocked us back and forth, and walked into her room, me still carrying her. When I got into her room, I sat down on her bed and held her close to me. "Shh baby, shh it's okay, your okay, everything's okay princess. Please stop crying, daddy hates seeing his little princess crying. Shh baby, I'm here, daddys here." I whispered to her, hugging her close to me and kissing the top of her head. After a while while of whispering soothing things to her, she finally stopped crying, but she was sniffling and tears were running down her cheeks. When she pulled back, I say her on my lap and looked at her and kissed her tears away, she giggled lightly and I smiled at her, "there's the beautiful smile I love love to see." I said to her. She smiled at me bigger, and I smiled. "You wanna tell daddy why your crying?" I asked her. "Everyone has a mommy but me." She whispered, playing with my fingers. I sighed, "Babygirl I'm sorry you don't have a mommy, I wish you had a mommy as much as you do, but you know what?" I asked looking down at her. She looked up at me, "what?" She asked. "Some people don't have a mommy or some people don't have a daddy, some people don't have a mommy OR a daddy, so your lucky that me and you still have eachother, because I don't know what I would do without you in my life, and you know what else? We have Alexis to look after together, but whatever happens it doesn't matter how old you get, your always gonna be my princess and my Babygirl, okay?" I asked her. She nodded, and I kissed her head. "You wanna sleep with daddy tonight?" I asked her. She nodded. I stood up and picked her up, and walked into my room, when I got inside, I laid down and layed her down next to me. "Night night princess." I whispered as I pulled her closer to me and brought the blankets over us. "Night night daddy." I heard her whisper as she slowly fell asleep...

Sorry it's short! But I WILL update later today, I promise! Thanks for over 600 reads! It means much!

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