Chapter 23- Amelia sick

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Leah's P.O.V

"Leah!" I heard someone yell, I turn around and see Alexis running to me. I smiled and hugged her close to me. "I missed you." She smiled at me as we pulled away from eachother. "I missed you to." I smile back. "Lee!" I see Amelia attempting to run behind Alexis. She never could say my name right. I smiled at her and picked her up and kissed her head. "Hey Amelia!" I said as I smile once again and set her down. "Where were you?" Alexis asked me. "I just went on a trip." I said. She just nodded not asking anymore questions. "Girls dinner's ready!" Dad called. I grabbed Amelia and picked her up, and me and Alexis made our way to the kitchen to see that dad had already set the table with food. We sat down and I set Amelia down in her high chair next to daddy. Daddy sat down in his seat and we all began eating. "Bunny eat your food." Dad said to Amelia, who was playing with her food. She continued to play with it and dad sighed before grabbing her spoon and started feeding her himself, but she still didn't eat when he held the spoon to her mouth. "Bunny eat." He said a little bit more stern as he held the spoon to her mouth again. He kept trying to put the food in her mouth, but she kept moving away from the spoon and began whining. "No da da. Icky!" She whined. "It's not icky bunny! It's yummy!" He smiled at her. She just shook her head and then began crying. Dad frowned then put the spoon he was holding out to her down. He picked her up, then his eyes widened a little bit. "Bunny your burning up!" He said worridly. He began rocking her back and forth while shushing her quietly. When she calmed down a little bit he got a thermometer and took her temperature. "Oh my God." He whispered to himself. "102 degrees." He said. He looked at Amelia. "It's okay bunny." He cooed. "Dada's gonna take care of you." She whined. "Okay bunny lets go take you a bath." He whispered as he walked out of the kitchen and upstairs....

Justin's P.O.V

(2 hours later.)

Amelia was in bed sleeping, Alexis was sick to. I called their doctor and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. Alexis was asleep on her room as well and right now I'm washing dishes. "Daddy?" I turned around to see Leah. "Hey princess." I said as I turned around and continued to wash dishes. She just stood there. "You need anything princess?" I asked her gently as I finished washing the dishes and put them in the dish washer. "I was wondering if we could watch a movie together?" She asked quietly. I smiled and nodded and she smiled to. I wrapped my arm around her and led her into the living room where I sat her down on the couch and sat down next to her. "What movie do you wanna watch baby?" I asked her. "Hachi!" She said immediately. I laughed and nodded, we put the movie in, then began watching it. Not even ten minutes into the movie I heard Amelia and Alexis start calling for me. I looked apologetically towards Leah. She sighed and nodded. I got up but as I was leaving I heard her say something under her breath....
"Go to your girls that you really care about."

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