Chapter 43- My Boy

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Leah's P.O.V

I groaned as my alarm woke me up for school. I turned it off, but continued to lay in my bed. A while later I heard footsteps enter my room. "Come on Leah, your gonna be late." Mom's voice said. I groaned and put my pillow over my face. "Leave me alone." I groaned. "Come on Leah." She said again. I groaned, "Just let me sleep until math class is over, then we can go to school?" I asked. She laughed. "Leah. Up. Now." She said. I groaned once again as I got up, and passed by her to go to my restroom. I got dressed in some black leggings with a navy blue t-shirt that was a basketball t-shirt from the school, since I was going to the game tonight. Then I just put my hair into a messy bun, and slipped on my white converse. I make my way downstairs and see that everyone is already down there. "Hey look who finally decided to wake up!" Dad smiled. I just rolled my eyes playfully as mom handed me my breakfast and I thanked her and sat down at the table with the rest of them. "Are you going to the game tonight?" Dad asked me. I nodded, "Are you gonna stay after school, or come home and I'll take you with us?" He asked. "I'm gonna stay after school." I said. He nodded. "Daddy why do we have to go to the basketball game?" Alexis asked curiously. "Because it's the game that determines if they go to championships. And I promised Blake I would go, and you all should go to, so y'all can support him and the team." He said. She nodded. "Okay let's go, I'll take the girls to school, Bunny will stay with you, and then I have to go to work but only for about two hours since I'll come home and spend the rest of the day with you and Bunny, then I'll pick the girls up, they can get ready, and we can all meet Leah at the basketball game tonight." Daddy said. We all nodded, and stood up, we put our dishes away and me and Alexis grabbed our backpacks. "Bye mom, bye Amelia!" We called. "Bye! Have a good day!" Mom called. "Bye bye!" Amelia yelled. Dad stopped and bent down to Amelia's level. "Bye bunny." He said. "Bye bye dada." She said back. He opened his arms and she gave him a hug, then they pulled away and she pecked his lips, making dad smile. He pulled away and stood up to mom. "Bye babe, I'll see you in two hours." He said. "You gonna be okay? I can stay home if you want." He said looking down at her stomach that had her baby bump and smiling. She smiled back. "We'll be good Justin, go to work." She said. He sighed and nodded, "Bye baby." He said as they shared a passionate kiss, we all turned away dramatically, making them both laugh. Dad bent down to mom's stomach and pulled her hoodie up gently. "Bye guys, be safe and take care of your mommy, I love you." He said as he kissed her stomach three times and pulled her hoodie back down and stood up. Mom smiled at dad, "Go Justin, y'all are gonna be late!" Mom laughed as she pushed him out the door playfully since me and Alexis were already out the door. "Okay okay, be safe." He laughed. And with that, we got into the car, and drove to school.....

"I know a secret!" Sam told me for the millionth time that day. I groaned. "What is it?" I asked. "I can't tell you." He smirked at me. I groaned, "Then don't bring it up!" I said as we walked to math class together. Just then Emma, Sam's girlfriend, comes up and hugs Sam, he hugged her back. "Emma you should tell your boyfriend to shut up." I joked. She laughed and looked at Sam. "Shut up." She joked. Sam shook his head and we all sat down at her seats when the bell rang, and sad through the lesson.....

"So Sam is sitting with Emma today?" Gabby asked me. I nodded as we all sat down. "So are y'all going to the game tonight?" I asked, they all nodded. "Yeah but we're gonna go home and then come back." Vanessa said. I nodded, "Okay, then I'll meet you guys there." I said. They nodded, pretty soon lunch was over and we went to our last class of the day. P. E. Once we got to the hallway of the gym, our coaches told us we didn't have to dress out today. We walked inside the gym and just talked with each other. I was talking with Vanessa, Gabby, and Emma, when someone came up behind me. I turned around and face Blake, who was dribbling a basketball. "Come on Leah lets play one on one." He said. I shook my head, "Why?" He whined. "Cause I don't know how to play." I said. They all looked at me with a crazy look. "Your lying right? I've seen you play before. We all have. And your pretty good." He said, and the rest of them nodded in agreement. "But I'm better." He smirked. I nodded, "I know you are Blake. Everyone knows you are. This whole school, and even the schools that don't go here, know you are, and you know that." I said. It was true, everyone knew about Blake, he was the best one on the team and even other schools knew that, everyone knew him, his reputation was the 'best basketball player' he was like the Michael Jordan of our school even the coaches knew about him. "Please!" He whined. I groaned, "Fine but only for a few minutes!" I said. He smiled and nodded. We walked onto the court and he started dribbling. I tried to get it from him, but he dribbled it between his legs and behind his back. "Come on Blake!" I whined, he laughed. "Cuties!" "Relationship goals!" Everyone around us was yelling. I ignored them though, and Blake just laughed again. He jumped up and shot, it made it in. I groaned and he laughed once again. I grabbed the basketball and started dribbling. "I'll go easy on you." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes playfully. I ran up to the goal, still dribbling, and he was covering me, I switched hands at the last minute, ran around him and made a lay up. He smiled, "Not bad." He joked. I laughed this time.....

"Hey." Dad said as he and the rest of the
family walked up to me. "Hey." I said back. After he paid for them, they all came into the gym. "Whose jacket is that?" He asked pointing to the jacket I was wearing. "Blake's varsity jacket, he said if I wear it, it's good luck." I said. Dad smiled slightly and nodded.
Pretty soon the game started, all my friends had come already and were sitting with me and my family, we were all cheering for Blake. Blake had the ball, and was dribbling down the court, when this guy that was covering him, grabbed him by his jersey and pushed him. Everyone was yelling at the ref. the red called a foul and we all cheered, Blake made both of his free throws, making us all cheer again.... It's now fourth quarter, and the people behind us were really getting on everyone's nerves. "Number 24 f**king sucks dude!" And everyone would laugh. Number 24 is Blake's number. We all ignored them though, and kept cheering for our team. The coach had taken Blake out and no one knew why. Then all of a sudden after a while, we started losing by six points. Everyone started cheering: "Put Blake in." Pretty soon we were all cheering it, and that's all you could hear. Blake scanned the crowd with his eyes and smiled, his eyes soon found mine and our family and friends and he laughed, the coach laughed to and substituted him in, we all cheered. John passed the ball to Blake, Blake jumped up and shot. He made a three pointer. We all cheered and cheered and cheered. Pretty soon we were tied. Someone from the team said something to Blake and he looked really mad. There was five seconds left, Blake had the ball but he was behind the half court line. He threw it, and everyone's eyes followed the ball. Right when the buzzer went off, the ball made it in. The whole crowd went crazy! Everyone jumped up and ran down to the court and tackled Blake to the ground, he was laughing and smiling while everyone was congratulating him. When he stood back up, the guy that said something from earlier went up to him. We were already on the court by then. "Whatever dude, at least my dad actually came." He said. Blake looked at him now. "Say something else!" He yelled at him. The guy got in his face. "Your dads a f**king punk! He didn't love you dude! You drove him away!" The guy laughed. Blake lunged at the guy, but my dad stopped him. He was holding Blake in his grip. "Your a f**king b**ch!" Blake yelled. "Blake calm down alright?! Your better than this! Your better than him!" My dad yelled. Blake stopped and looked at my dad. Dad stared right back at him. "Go get your bag, your coming with us." He said quietly. Blake nodded, "Thanks Mr. Bieber." He said as he walked off. Dad stared at the guys dad, who was the one saying that Blake sucked. "What kind of father are you? And you let your kid talk to another human being like that? You have no idea what that boy has been through!" He said to the guys dad, then said the last sentence to the boy. "Don't mess with my boy Bieber, I don't want to have to beat your f**king a** right in front of everyone." He said. Dad scoffed, "Listen to me, just keep your boy away from my boy, because he doesn't need any of this." Dad said. "And I don't believe in violence in front of my girls, so leave them, my boy, my wife, and me alone." He said lowly. "And I don't ever want my boy to tell me that you or your little thug wanna-be over there messed with him or anyone for that matter, again, or so help me God, the outcome won't be pretty." He said. Everyone around us clapped and cheered. I looked down, feeling sorta embarrassed. We turn around and see Blake standing there, smiling. "You ready?" Dad asked. Blake nodded, and so did dad. "Let's go." He said. And with that, we all walked out, me and Alexis and Amelia and mom were all ahead and dad and Blake stayed behind is a couple of feet talking. We were in the parking lot and were inside the car when I spoke. "That was so embarrassing, I can't believe that happened." I laughed. And so did everyone else. "Well those jerks just needed to know that no one messes with my kids." He said. From the corner of my eye, I see Blake smiling as he's looking out the window, and I smile to. "Hey Blake?" I asked. He looks at me.

"College is looking better and better isn't it?" I asked. And with that we both start laughing...

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