Chapter 34- Lightning

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Leah's P.O.V

"Justin you don't know how to put decorations up." Selena laughed as dad messed up on purpose just to make her laugh. "Whatever, I'm the best at putting decorations up." He joked. "Right bunny?" He asked Amelia. She nodded, "Yes dada!" She smiled at him. He laughed and picked her up, "okay now put this piece of tape right here." He told her as he held the banner in place. She did what he said and smiled when she was done. "I can't believe it, Leah's sixteen." Selena smiled at me, I smiled back. "Leah the guys are gonna be all over you tonight." Selena smiled at me and we laughed as dad glared at both of us playfully. "Don't worry about the guys, because don't forget on what I taught the dogs." He smirked. I groaned, and Selena looked confused. "What did he teach the dogs?" She asked me. "He taught them that when a guy comes near me, to bark at them, and if a guy touches me, to growl at them and come closer, and if a guy if a guy is hurting me, to attack him." I rolled my eyes. "Unless he touches the guy's shoulder, telling them that the guy is okay with him, and they back off, but still watch me." I groaned. Selena's mouth hung open as she looked at dad, who just laughed and nodded, "Justin you have taken 'overprotective daddy' mode to a whole new chapter." Selena laughed. He shrugged, "So has Leah, she taken sweet sixteens to a whole new chapter to, usually your supposed to get all dressed up and fancy, but since she's a boss, she told everyone to show up in jeans and a hoodie with sneakers." Dad laughed and so did I. "This family is filled with tradition breakings." She joked.......,

Everyone had arrived and we were all having fun, talking, laughing, joking, and some were dancing. "Come on Leah, come dance with me!" Blake said over the music. I shook my head and smiled, "I don't dance Blake and you know that." I said. Then Sam came, "c'mon Leah, just dance." He smirked at me. I shoved him playfully, making him and Blake laugh, "please?" They begged and I shook my head. "How about we just go outside?" I asked as the rest of the crew came, they nodded while others were still dancing and having fun. We all made our way outside to my backyard. "We'll be right back." They all left except Sam. "How come your dogs keep staring at me?" He asked me as we sat down on the grass. I looked to where he was and saw all of the dogs laying down and staring at him. I laughed, "I'll tell you after the party." I said smiling, he smiled and nodded. Just then a figure came over to us, I looked up, thinking it was Blake or Jason or someone, but my smile immediately disappeared as soon as I saw Alex. I stood up and so did Sam. "What are you doing here? You weren't invited." I said. He shrugged, "Leah I need to talk to you." He said. I shook my head, "No your leaving." I said. The dogs started barking at Alex. "Leah just let me talk to you!" Alex said as he took a step closer to me, and I stepped back. "No Alex!" I said a little loud. "Sam go inside." I said as I saw him getting mad. He looked at me, "Are you sure?" He asked, his face softening. I nodded, and he just glared at Alex and walked into the house, leaving me and Alex alone. "Alex you need to leave now." I said. "Leah just listen to me!" He said. "No Alex! All the times I would have given anything to just make you listen to me, but you were to busy with Jessica! All the times I needed you and you weren't there! You were my best friend! But you know what please just leave." I said. "Leah I'm not going anywhere." He said. The dogs started barking louder. Just then I look in the house and see flashing lights inside, I start to run inside, but an pulled back by a strong grip on my arm, the dogs got up and made their way to us and started barking and growling at Alex. "Let me go Alex." I said at him. "All I have to do is scream, and they attack." I said. He glared at me, "Leah I don't care! Your gonna listen to me!" He said. I shook my head and tried to get my arm out of his grip. Just then he picked me up roughly, a whole bunch of memories flashed through my head and I screamed. He threw me into the pool, in the deep end and I struggled to get up. I can't swim and it's winter. The water is freezing. I get to surface and scream again. "HELP!" I yelled. I look and see the dogs attacking Alex. But when they hear me scream, Lightning, my golden retriever, looked at me and ran faster than I have ever seen him run. He jumps into the pool, I'm already under the freezing cold water, losing my breath. I feel lightning's teeth clench on my hoodie and drag me up, the cold pavement is underneath me, Lightning starts whimpering and licking my face and hands, he gets on top of me to try to keep me warm, he's the last thing I see and feel, before everything goes black...........

Justin's P.O.V

A lot of random people crashed the party and started taking pictures. I immediately told Selena to take Alexis and Amelia to my room with her and stay there with them. I tried to fight through the crowd, but it was to big, a while later, I heard the dogs barking and growling, then I heard Leah a scream, then a splash, then Leah screamed again, then screamed for help. I immediately ran through the crowd and when I got to the backyard, everything seemed to be moving slow motion. I see a guy being attacked by four of our dogs, and Leah laying unconscious with her dog laying on top of her keeping her warm and licking her face and hands, barking for someone to come and help. I ran straight to Leah. "Jason!" I yelled. He ran outside, we were gonna surprise Leah with Jason when she was opening her presents. "Get an ambulance!" I yelled at him. He looked shocked and nodded, after he yelled into the phone to the ambulance, he hung up and ran over to me and Leah. I got up and made my way over to the dogs that were still attacking the dog. "Release!" I yelled. They all didn't want to let go because of what he did to Leah, but they did. They all backed away but still stayed near him. I grabbed the guy by his collar and glared at him. "What the f*ck were you doing to my daughter?!" I yelled. He looked scared, but didn't answer. I was about to hit him, but I can't hit a minor, since I'm an adult and then the ambulance and police were coming. I still held a grip on the guy, and handed him over to the cops before telling them everything I knew, before going to the ambulance that Leah was in, Jason had to hide in my house, because they would recognize him. I held her hand and climbed in with her. Lightning kept trying to come in. "No dogs allowed sir." The paramedic told me. "Please, he saved her life!" I said trying to convince him. "I'm sorry sir." He said again. "Do you have a daughter?" I asked him. He nodded, "She's the most important person in my life." He said. "Then you know how it feels to be a father, to do anything for your daughter just to see her smile, you can't stand when she's mad at you, and you would buy her the world if she asked, how would you feel if you lost her, and she almost lost you, but her dog saved her? Wouldn't you be grateful to her dog? Wouldn't you want her dog to go with you? Please!" I begged him. He sighed and nodded, I smiled and thanked him. "Lightning. Up." I said. His tail wagged an she jumped into the back of the ambulance beside me and I started rubbing his fur all over. "Good boy lightning! Good boy!" I praised him. And from the corner of my eye, I see the paramedic smile and laugh. "You know dogs aren't allowed right?" He asked.

"But I'll let it slide." I smiled and continued rubbing lightning. Who was up on the gurney with Leah, laying on top of her gently.......

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