Chapter 1: Desperation

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The wind blew a little, but the breeze felt great. Living in Florida during the summer was a living hell. The heat was overwhelming and I wasn't up for 3 months of summer indoors. Luckily, I had 3 best friends to spend my summer with.

Flynn's the type of guy who gets the girls and seems to be a pro at everything he does. He learned to skate when he was around 8 and ever since, he kept skating. Sometimes Flynn invited us over for dinner at his place. His mom was an excellent cook and she always made the best Spanish food. That was one thing Flynn and I had in common. We were both Puerto Rican.

Zane's a gamer. Needless to say he lives and breathes electronics. If I ever need to fix something or install something on any of my electronics, he'd be the guy to call. His vast knowledge of cyber space allowed him to excel in math and become one of the fastest typists on the planet. I remember when we did game coding in Tech class. Not only did he code his game in one day, he made a PowerPoint presentation showing off his coding skills. Zane usually skateboards with Flynn almost every day.

Danielle. Where do I begin? She's the coolest and most laid back person I've ever met. She's in to rollerblading and hanging out with her friends. Normally we hung out at her house or went to the pool. Dani is an expert video game marksman. She's a pro at Call of Duty. She's the type of person that really comes in handy when you need someone to talk to.

It was a normal day in the middle of July. With my birthday right around the corner, I was constantly asking my best friends for party advice.

"How about a bounce house?" Danielle asked.

"No. I'm not five," I replied.

"Five or fifteen it doesn't matter. Bounce houses are fun." Flynn stated.

"Come on guys! This is boring! Let's go over to Sky Valley so we can skate," Zane shouted.

"Well Sky Valley is known for its hills," I assured.

Pretty soon we were heading over to Sky Valley. It was the neighborhood right beside ours. The guys immediately started skating but, Danielle and I relaxed in the shade. After a few hours, the sun disappeared behind the clouds. It wasn't unusual for Florida to have cloudy evenings; in fact, it was quite a regular occurrence. So we didn't pay any attention to the weather.

I pulled out my phone and checked my text messages. There were no new messages or alerts. I was playing Subway Surfers when suddenly I felt a really cold breeze. Little goose bumps appeared on my arms. When I looked up from my phone, the sky was growing darker and darker. The weird thing was, it wasn't raining.

Flynn and Zane didn't seem to notice. I watched as they took turns gapping different curbs and sewer openings. They laughed and high-five when one of them landed a difficult trick. I sat up and cupped my hands around my mouth.

"Hey guys! It's going to rain! Let's go!"

Flynn looked my way and smiled.

"Relax Aurora. It'll be fine. We'll leave in a little while," He replied.

The guys continued to skate and no one seemed to think the storm was unusual but me. Danielle was sound asleep on the grass beside me. Her phone was lying on her stomach. I decided it would be best to just watch some videos on my phone. Halfway through a Pewdiepie video, I noticed the time. It was 6:30 already. And I had two missed calls from my piano teacher.

I quickly tried to call her back but an automated voice interrupted my call to tell me that there was no cell phone service. Great. Not only did I miss a few calls from piano teacher, I couldn't call her back. I zipped up my jacket. Knowing it would rain, I had packed it in my bag.

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