Chapter 9: Infuriation

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I soon realized where i was. A sewer. I managed to turn sideways and crawl towards the distorted voices.

When i met a corner, i turned and saw a small white light. It looked like it was light years away. I crawled slowly for about 10 minuted before i could make out what was on the other side. There were moving people. I was cautious not to make too much noise.

The last thing i wanted was zombies hearing me and crawling in the sewer after me. I crawled until i was nearly 5 feet from the entrance. I heard people talking. They sounded muffled.

"She's probably dead. Let's just leave her." Someone said.

"We can't just leave her. She's our friend. You wouldn't like it if we just left you." Someone else said.

I decided to crawl the rest of the distance. I emerged into a bright pool of light. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust.

My friends were sitting in a circle on the ground a few feet away. They just watched in silence as i crawled out on my hands and knees.

"Who said they wanted to leave me?" I asked.

I was surprised at who stepped forward. It was Dani. She had tears in her eyes. Surprisingly, i didn't. I felt no emotion at all.

"I'm soo sorry! I'm soo sorry!" She cried as i struggled to get to my feet.

I looked at the scenery around us. We were far from any place I'd ever been. The town near us wasn't familiar at all. We'd somehow traveled through the sewer while i was unconscious.

My chest ached. It seemed impossible. They must've dragged me throughout the sewers.

My friends started pacing and planning out where we could go to next. I was ready to give up. I had no motivation. I was devastated.

Sam walked over to me and sat beside me. We were in a ditch so the zombies could definitely come down and ambush us. Flynn decided to keep watch. At first, there was alot of commotion within the group. People kept gettin up to check for comfortable places to rest or for water. Then eventually it all died down. 

Sam and i had grown close over the few days we'd spent together. I noticed a certain spark in his eyes when he spoke. It was almost like a sparkler from a fourth of July celebration. I began to realize why i liked him soo much. He reminded me of my ex boyfriend from middle school, Avan. He was an amazing boyfriend but he ended up moving away at the beginning of 9th grade. Sam was very attractive; just like Avan.

Sam took off his jacket and put it on the ground beneath our heads so we wouldn't have to have our heads in the grass and dirt of the hill. I took my jacket and put it over us so we could have a blanket. The sun was hidden behind dark clouds. The air outside was warm but i needed a blanket to shield me from the breeze. No one said anything about Sam and i being soo close but Dani kept giving us curious looks. I ignored her and started a conversation about how we had managed to escape the town. 

"It was a crazy experience. You hit the ground like a sack of flour and we all rushed over to you. Then a zombie burst into the warehouse. We gathered our stuff quickly and locked ourselves in the office."

"It had an office?" I asked.

"Yeah. It was near the front. Anyways, we were trapped in the office until the zombies eventually forgot about us. They were still roaming in the warehouse but we killed one and did the nastiest thing ever. We dragged it into the office and covered ourselves in its guts. Flynn and Zane kept lookout while i carried you through the zombies. We found a manhole and we all just dove in. It was safe down there but the air was thin. We all go nauseous from the nasty smell and the musky air. We dragged you through the sewer for hours. Then we found and opening and i needed to get a breath of fresh air before i threw up." He replied.

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