Chapter 6: Motivation

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Light spewed in from the doorway. Josh turned on the faucet and barked some angry order at me. I wasn’t fully awake and neither were my ears.

            “Go tell your idiot friends what happens when you mess with my dad,” He repeated.

            I slowly got up and took my stuff with me. The morning air was dry. I wasn’t too thrilled about the heat though. I walked down the motel’s second story walkway and did a little exploring before I went back to room 15. When I got there, my friends were waking up. Zane’s hair was a mess. Flynn’s face had a huge red line on it. The grossest part was the dry blood. That would definitely leave a scar.

            Chris was sleepily standing guard at the door. Sam was knocked out on the bed. He was sound asleep and snoring lightly. We heard the sound of people talking down stairs. 

            “Where did you go last night?” Dani asked.

            “I got punished and had to spend the night in a dark and cold bathroom,” I replied.

            “Which motel room were you in?” Zane asked.

            “Josh and Jenn’s room. She’s that Asian woman who held the twins.”

            “Did you sleep well? Because I sure as hell didn’t.” Flynn moped.

            “Jenn and Josh were up to something. Let’s just say these motel beds are squeaky,” I stated.

            Zane and Dani smiled but Flynn looked miserable. I asked if I could go back to Josh and Jenn’s room to get a towel. Chris let me. But this time, he didn’t escort me. No one was in the room when I went back. I grabbed two towels. One was a hand towel and the other was a regular one. I wet the small one and brought them back to room 15.

            Then I sat beside Flynn and gently cleaned his bloody face. There was a split second when our eyes met but we quickly looked away. I waited for Chris to do his routine outdoor check and I whispered the plan to my friends.

            “We need to go to room 2. It’s the room with a padlock on the door. It must be the room with all the food in it. Then we need to get as much as we can and make a run for it. If we’re fast enough, we can get into the city and hide in the shops. We’ll be hidden really well and they’ll never find us,” I said.

            Chris returned a few seconds later. He shut the door behind himself and sat on the bed. He was clearly exhausted. Sam woke up and they changed shifts. We waited for Chris to fall asleep. Then I reached into my bag and pulled out my machete. It had been wrapped in my jacket and was concealed. No one ever suspected a thing.

            I slowly cut everyone’s arm restraints and leg restraints. Then we ambushed Sam. I held the machete to his chin and Dani put her hand over his mouth.

            “You’re going to take us to room 2 and get us inside. Then you’re going to do what we say. Or else we’ll be forced to kill you,” I threatened.

            I had no intention to harm innocent Sam. He’d been nothing but nice to us since we arrived. So naturally, I wanted him on our side. We waited until the coast was clear. Then we made Sam take us to the motel room labeled 2. He unlocked it and let us inside.

            “Please don’t hurt me.” He said.

            “I won’t as long as you co-operate,” I replied.

            My friends and I started gathering all of the supplies. We barely hesitated. Zane made a point of getting water to drink. That was a smart move. Suddenly we heard shouting.

            “Where the hell are they?” Josh yelled.

            “I-I don’t know,” Chris said worriedly.

            Their voices were getting closer. I knew they’d find us sooner or later. It was then that I got a brilliant idea. We could just loot up and run straight to our car. It was still parked in the motel parking lot. I was pretty sure that the keys were still in it too.

            “Follow us,” I ordered Sam.

            He sprung to life as we darted towards the car. I heard voices behind us. The Alphas were shouting at us.  I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. We entered the car and I noticed something unusual. Chris and Sam hopped in the trunk. They must’ve wanted to escape too.

            I put the key in the ignition and tried to start the car. It wouldn’t start. They must’ve left it on all night. Those idiots. The battery was dead and now they were aiming guns at our heads. I tried to start it again. Nothing happened.

            “Come on! Come on!” I said anxiously.

            I took a deep breath and turned the key again. There was no sound or anything. The car was dead. Just dead. I remembered that we brought our skateboards. We quickly grabbed them from the trunk as Marcus and the other Alphas threatened us. Zane made sure to grab his laptop. We cautiously backed up because they were pointing guns at us. We hopped on our boards and pushed with all our strength. We needed to escape.

            I got this really bad feeling and seconds later, the gun shot went off. I heard Jett scream all of a sudden and he stopped.  I turned around and saw Jacob lying on the floor in a growing pool of blood. Marcus had his shot gun aimed at Jett. He was getting ready to take a shot at Jett too. I did what anyone else would’ve done. I screamed.

            “Jett!!! You have to let him go! We have to go!” I yelled.

            I grabbed Jett and shoved his board in his face.

            “Come on!” I yelled.

            We rode away faster than the Alphas could react. They decided to let us go anyways. I wasn’t sure if we’d ever run into them again. I was sure of one thing though, Jacob’s death was my fault; and I’d never forgive myself. 

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