Chapter 13: Temptation PT. 2

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A while later, our friends returned. They brought a few candy bars and some foldable chairs. We started to form a barrier of cars by putting them into a diamond formation. It wasn't easy to hotwire 8 cars and make a big space in the middle for us to set up camp.

We got a fire going in the middle and made beds in 4 of the cars. We turned the SUV with the trunk nook inwards so that we could easily access it from the middle. Our cars kept the zombies out and they didn't bother trying to climb the cars. Most of them fell into the split in the road or off the side of the cliff.

Then the others would react to the noise by jumping off with them. They were soo smart.

My friends made me a candy cake and we all ate together by the fire. After the fire, we mourned the loss of Jett by having a conversation about how amazing he was. We all got a little misty eyed. Even Sam.

By then, everyone knew that Sam and I were a thing. They didn't question it. I noticed Zane and Dani hitting it off as well but they weren't at the kissing part yet.

After the conversations died down, they all wished me a happy 17th birthday again and we all went to our beds.

Something weird was happening with the weather. It was getting cold in Florida during July. I didn't question it at first. I welcomed it. But during the middle of the night, it got really cold. Sam closed the trunk and snuggled with me.

He smelled like pine and body spray. It was welcoming.

"I was thinking about something. It keeps bothering me." Sam mentioned.
"What?" I asked.
"Your leg. You got scratched by a zombie a few days ago." He said.
"I know. It's healing." I lied.

I was sure it was infected. It couldn't be healing. I'd exposed it to dirt and green river water. It started to itch early on in the day but I resisted the urge to scratch it.

"I think everyone's asleep. Do you want to pick up from where we left off?" Sam asked me.

I got butterflies in my stomach but I quickly took a deep breath to ease them. Just as Sam had said before; losing my virginity was a big deal.

The whole thing started out slow. We kissed once or twice. We giggled. Our mouths met again in the dim moon light.  Then it slowly got more passionate. I found my hands exploring his body. And his hands explored my body.

The intimacy was intense. We were body against body in the cold car. Luckily we had found blankets earlier. Under neath the covers, I removed my shoes and he removed his.

Warm neck kisses. Oh boy. He kissed my jaw and my cheeks too. I quickly took off his shirt. Those abs again. I couldn't control myself. Both of our shirts were off in seconds. Our jeans were off to the side.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sam asked.
I bit my lip.

~The MorningAfter~

I couldn't walk. My LEG hurt too much. The cut was deep and infected. Either I could get medical help quickly or I could have it amputated.

Flynn sat with me in his car bed. He helped clean my wound. I had to hold Dani and Sam's hands and bite down on a rag as Flynn disinfected my wound with some pure vodka. I screamed through the pain as he quickly sewed it up with a first aid kit he had found in a sedan.

He finished it off by wrapping my leg with gauze. Then it was Zane's turn. He had to get his stitches taken out.

I limped over to the side of the road to pee and then I limped back. My left leg ached. Too bad, we were fresh out of pain killers.

I ate a breakfast, that consisted of granola bars and warm water. It was actually a pretty decent meal so I didn't complain. I was too happy to complain anyway. That night was the best night of my entire life.

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