Chapter 15: Cancelation

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I was in complete and utter disbelief. Flynn liked me this whole time. How could I have been so oblivious? How could I have betrayed him like that? How could I have done so many inappropriate things with Sam when I only just met him?

I felt so dirty and slutty. I needed to escape. I ran back to our nook and Sam was awake.

"Where'd you go?" He asked.

"I had to pee." I lied.

"You're soaked. Let me give you my shirt-" he began to talk but I shook my head.

He reached towards me and I swatted his hands away.

"Don't touch me." I snapped.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"We've done a horrible thing, Sam."

"What do you mean?"

"We had sex! That's not something we should be doing. Especially not In this world and especially not at this age!" I stressed.

"We won't do it again. It was stupid and ignorant of us to do. Just let me help you. You're shivering."

I scooted away and put my head against my arched knees. Water droplets slid down my forehead and landed on my knee caps. After a while, I realized it wasn't just rain water rolling off my cheeks. I was crying. Silently.

"I betrayed him. I feel so bad." I admitted.

"Who?" Sam asked.

I was forced to tell the truth. The whole time I spoke, Sam twiddled his thumbs and messed with his shoe. He was trying to pick something off of it.

Suddenly there were bright headlights in the distance. A car was driving our way. Sam and I ran outside into the rain. There were more cars than the one with the blinding headlights. There were 3 in total.

All of the cars stopped and by then, my friends were standing outside with us. The windows were tinted black and I couldn't see in the rain anyways.

The dark figures emerged from the cars. Flynn held his gun at the firing position and waited for the figures to near. As they came closer, I recognized them. And fear itself crawled up from the pit of my stomach and sealed my throat. I couldn't breathe.

I could see their faces clearly now as the rain slowed again. Marcus. Anne. Josh. Jenn. Dave. The Alphas. They had a few new recruits with them. A few young adults that looked just as tough and ruthless as them.

"How did you know we were here?" Flynn asked.

"Ask Sam. I'm sure he knows how." Marcus growled.

We all turned to Sam, who had a confused expression. Marcus pointed at Sam's shoe. In the dim light, I could barely see his shoe, let alone whatever Marcus and Sam were staring at. Sam desperately tore his shoe off and searched it again. Sure enough, there it was. A little tracker.

Flynn pointed his gun at Sam and charged at him.

"You mother fucker! I knew something was off about you! You led them right to us!" Flynn shouted.

Zane struggled to hold Flynn back and Sam just stood there. His face was a mixture of anticipation and fear. A face that showed that he knew what was going to happen next.

"I knew there was something wrong with my shoe! I saw it! I knew it!" Sam shouted suddenly.

Anne laughed. Her son and her husband did as well.

"You stupid kids didn't even bother to check it. Didn't you wonder why we didn't chase you into the woods? We knew exactly where you were. Then we found you by the tracker and caught you at the warehouse. But you chose to run again. Imbeciles." Anne snickered.

"You bitch!" Dani said.

I was shocked. I never thought Dani would speak up for herself. She was always shy and quiet.

"Call me what you must, but it won't change the inevitable. You escaped us once, shame on you. You escaped us twice, shame on us. You escape us three times, impossible." Josh sneered.

"Looks may not fool us. You seem like a rough and tough guy Mr. Joshua, but you won't really hurt us!" I blurted out.

He held the butt of his rifle and smacked Dani really hard across the face with it. The sound of the gun against her cheek bone made the rain sound as quiet as a mouse.

"Dani!" I started to run over to her but Josh stepped between us.

"You're going to shut up and listen. Put your hands behind your back and hold still." Josh ordered.

I did as he said because I didn't want to cause any trouble. Dave, the mysterious one, bound my hands with duct tape and shoved me into the backseat of one of the cars.

Soon Zane was tied up and thrown in the same car as me. We watched as Flynn put up a fight. He wouldn't back down and bullets flew everywhere. Josh tackled Flynn and started beating him. Fist after fist until Flynn stopped fighting back. I screamed and screamed until my throat was raw and then I screamed louder. My head pounded and felt like it was bursting.

I felt lightheaded and I couldn't see anything through the blur of my tears. I saw Marcus grab Sam and shove him into the side of the car. Anne and the others helped tie up Flynn.

Marcus held a gun to Sam's temple and threatened him with words I couldn't understand. I coughed and choked on tears. My heart was just ripped out of my chest.

Dani's body hung like a sack of flour as some Alphas tossed her into the backseat of a car.

All our plans were ruined. We wouldn't make it to the Florida- Georgia border. There was no way.

Marcus and Anne hopped into the front seat. Marcus put a strip of duct tap over my mouth which nearly suffocated me. I had a stuffy nose and barely got any air. It was like I was breathing through a straw.

The air was insufficient and I passed out.

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