Chapter 14: Precipitation

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The rain started around 10 in the morning. I found myself wearing Sam's baggy sweater as we shielded ourselves from the cold rain. The trunk had a big window for us to see out of and I realized then, that even though we couldn't see out a night, someone could see in. Especially since we had made our own lanterns inside.

The thought made me wonder. Was that why I felt uneasy yesterday. I shook the thought away because there was no reason to let it haunt me. Sam made a habit of playing with my hair and I didn't mind it at all.

I thought back to the night before. Sam had a condom but I never stopped to ask where he got it from. Was one of the drivers on this road driving home to their spouse? Did they already have kids; a family? It was a horrible thought. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. I couldn't exactly thank them for the method of birth control.

Then it dawned on me. What if we weren't think straight? What if we moved along too quickly? Did I even love Sam? I mean I really liked him but having sex was a bit extreme this early in our relationship. What if I got pregnant in this horrible world. I'd lose my mind.

Suddenly I felt nauseous again. I wasn't sure if it was the nerves I was stacking up or a sign of morning sickness. My heart started racing in my chest and I could feel the beads of sweat on my forehead. Sam noticed.

"Are you ok?" He asked.
"I just feel a little queasy. That's all." I said.
"The rain is slowing down a little. Maybe we can open the trunk door and get some fresh air." He said.

That sounded like a great idea to me. The cool air helped me relax a little. When I was younger, I used to feel nauseous a lot. My mom would always be at my side helping me breathe through it. Now I missed her soo much that I couldn't fight the tears. Sam snuggled me and gently patted my hair.

"You'll feel better in a little while. Just relax and try to fall asleep." He said.

So many thoughts zoomed through my head. I started finding it hard to think. The rain was pouring so hard that I couldn't think clearly. Lightning zapped the trees in the distance. One caught the flames and burned like a city light in the distance.

My leg was aching with a dull pain. It felt as if someone was taking my blood pressure by squeezing my whole leg. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain like a bullet to my inner leg. It was right where the cut was.

I gasped in pain and desperately pulled at the sheets to reveal my leg. What I saw, terrified me to no end. The skin was turning black and grey. It was dying. Rotting. My veins showed through my skin but they were bright green. I screamed.

Sam bent over my shoulder to peek at it and he winced.

There were pains in a steady flow. Every minute or so, I would get a stream of pressure that lasted a few seconds. Soon the contraction-like pains started happening closer and closer. I held my thigh and writhed in pain.

Soon my friends were standing in the rain while trying to figure out why I was screaming.

"What the hell is wrong?" Flynn asked.

I fought back tears as I showed him my leg. Dani couldn't look at it so she comforted me by holding my hand. My leg burned and ached.

Zane pulled a giant saw out of nowhere and started cutting into my leg. I screamed in pain. Then I woke up.

It was the middle of the night. The rain was at a low again. I made cautious movements to avoid waking Sam. He slept like a baby but he snored a little.

I moved a lantern towards my leg and inspected it. It looked like a normal scratch with stitches and a bit of infected skin. Not a big deal. It didn't hurt unless I touched it so I was relieved. What was with that random leg nightmare? It scared the shit out of me.

I peered out the trunk window and saw some silhouettes moving in Zane and Dani's nook. I watched as the shadows moved around. I wasn't sure what she was doing. It looked like she was singing.

Our body heat created a shield against the coldness outside but my toes were frozen. Sam had closed the trunk for the most part but he left about a 4 inch gap for air circulation. I curled my toes up into the blanket.

Sam started to toss and turn. I wondered what he was dreaming.

I couldn't believe what I saw. I was laying in my car trying to get comfortable when I saw the silhouettes of Rora and Sam. At first, I thought they were sitting side by side but then I realized she was sitting on him.

I resisted the urge to look but I just couldn't look away. They had sex. I saw them. I was going to wake Dani up but she looked really peaceful when she slept. I decided to keep it a secret. It was a secret that bothered me to no end.

I couldn't look at them the same way. When we all hung out together and stitched up her leg, I couldn't look her in the eyes. I hoped that I would feel better in the morning but I was haunted by the grueling thought.

Eventually the day dragged on and we were forced to resort to singing for entertainment. I looker out my window at Rora and saw her staring at us. I shivered. Then I looked away. I could never picture her the same again.

~Rora'sPointofView ~
Flynn seemed to be a little loner these days. Normally he had one of the twins bothering him all day. Now he had a lot of time to himself. I decided to join him.

I wore Sam's sweater as I ran across the wet road to Flynn's car. I knocked gently on the glass of the door to his RV. Unlike us, he had a whole RV to himself. I wished I had one but I liked the privacy of my little nook.

Flynn opened the door and invited me inside. It smelled like feet and Axe in there but I embraced the masculinity of it all.

"Hey." I awkwardly waved at him.
"So how's the place?" Flynn asked.
"It's nice. I like your décor." I said.

He had an iPad on the counter and a few leaves. He offered me a seat on the couch.

I sat beside him and relaxed while he talked about how he found the iPad. I started zoning out and I tried to focus but it was hard. 

I found myself gazing into his eyes. Then I leaned on his shoulder.

"I missed you. You seem so depressed." I said.
"I kind of am." He said.
"We'll find a way out." I replied.
"You will. I'm staying here. I'd rather die happy than see all my friends dying while trying to reach an impossible goal." Flynn said.

The thunder roared and lightning flashed near by.

"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Everything I loved is gone."
"I'm still here." I joked.
"Its not the same. You're with Sam and I'm just all alone." He said.

I sat up and faced him.
"Nothing. I think its time for you to go Rora."
"No. Answer my question." I said.
"I really can't. You mean a lot to me and I just wish that I could've been there for you. Like Sam was." He said.

I went to the door. Then I stepped outside. My head was spinning. "I really liked you Rora." He said.

Then he shut the door and I was left in the freezing rain outside; alone.

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