Chapter 10: Consolation

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I wiped my eyes and stepped over Sam to get out of the car. I nearly tripped on the way out and my heart pounded. The air outside was warm and comforting. Many cars were parked on the side of the road or sitting at the bottom of the mountain. My converse scraped against the concrete as i made my way over to Flynn. 

He stepped away from me when i neared.


"Just go! Leave me alone!" He said.

My hands shook in my jacket pockets. He was scary when he was angry. His eyes were bloodshot; he resembled a drug addict. His hair was all frazzled and his clothes were askew. I watched silently as he furiously wiped his tears away and mumbled to himself about how he hated this new world. 

Flynn looked like he was at his breaking point. His hand kept reaching for the gun under his waistband. He'd go for it then he'd stop. The others started getting out of the car one by one. Sam walked up beside me on my left. Something made me nervous about him standing so close to the mountain's barrier. I couldn't stop my head from creating fake situations involving one of us falling.

I watched as Zane snuck up behind Flynn. He grabbed the gun from his waist band and held it firmly. Flynn jerked around and started shoving Zane. He punched him and desperately tried to grab the gun.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" We all shouted as we ran to break them up.

Soon Sam was holding Flynn down on the ground so that he could calm down.

"Count to ten!" Sam yelled in Flynn's struggling face. He was thrashing around on the ground.

"One! Two! Three! Screw You!" Flynn yelled.

I got down on my knees next to Flynn and placed a soft hand on his chest. He grabbed it and held my hand aggressively but eventually he started to take deep breaths and calm down. A few tears slid down his face. I wiped them away with my thumb and then i just laid beside him. There was a few moments of utter silence before Flynn spoke.

"I'm sorry. I just lost it." He said.

"We all deserve a little time to ourselves to blow off steam. And trust me, you'll get that time sooner or later. But we need to keep moving. The more time we waste moping around, the more time zombies have to expand their population." I explained.

Flynn nodded. Then he made his way back to the car. He started the car and drove around the corner. Then he immediately stopped.

The road was crammed with cars. Traffic for what seemed like miles.  We knew what we had to do. We had to walk.

The group started gathering their stuff and we walked. Occasionally we'd stop so that Sam and Zane could break into a Sudan or an SUV for something salvageable.

Zane found some moldy fruit in a car to my left and a couple batteries in the car to my right. It was a nice car. It looked brand new. Sam had better luck. He found a baby stroller in the trunk of a black SUV. We put our junk in it and we all took turns pushing it up the road.

The sun was beginning to set and I think we all knew what that meant. It would be pitch black and the zombies would come out.

It had been a long time since we used our phones. The batteries were dead. We didn't have electricity or chargers. We were out of luck.

Suddenly I got a sharp pain in my leg.

"Gaaah!" I shrieked as I collapsed. The stroller fell to the side, spilling all its contents.

Dani and Jett rushed to collect all the rolling items. Meanwhile, Sam and Flynn were at my side.

"What happened?" "What's wrong?" They asked.

"When we were in the woods, I think the zombie scratched my leg. It's been throbbing and hurting. I think... I might be turning into one of them." I said. 

I took a good, long, look at the shock and fear on my friends faces.

"Do you think you can keep walking?" Zane asked.

"No. The pain is too intense." I replied.

Just then, we heard the sound of zombies growling and walking. Dani started to panic.

"We're screwed." Jett shouted.

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