Chapter 8: Rehydration

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"Where do you think you’re going?” Flynn asked as Dani and I tried to sneak out.

            “None of your concern,” I kept walking.

            “I think I deserve to know. I need to make sure you guys don’t get your heads chewed off.”

            I turned to face Flynn and took a few steps closer. Pretty soon we were face to face.

            “You don’t deserve to know anything. Who made you the leader? I sure as hell didn’t vote for it,” I replied.

            “You’re just jealous because I get to show people right from wrong. Something, you clearly can’t do. Considering, you’ve gotten two of us killed. You’d make a great leader wouldn’t you Rora?” He tossed at me.

            “I should’ve known you’d do this. It’s so like you to take control. I’m going somewhere now and if you follow me, I’ll make sure I don’t save your ass again.” With that, I turned my back and walked out the door.

            The warm night air greeted us. We decided to slowly sneak around the buildings because the zombies could be anywhere and everywhere. Dani was pretty quiet for a few minutes so I turned around to make sure she was still following me. She gazed at me and I stopped walking to ask her why she had such a confused look on her face.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked.

            “You and Flynn used to be best friends and now you two are like… enemies.” Dani said.

            “He’s changed. You might not see it, but he’s turning into Marcus. The leader of the Alphas and I don’t think anyone will stop him but me.”

            I kept walking before she could reply. I really didn’t feel like talking. We spotted a few zombies by a dumpster and we kept walking slowly. We didn’t want to be spotted. It was then, that I got a great idea. I grabbed a bottle from the litter in the street. Then I tossed it into the road. The zombies ran that way because they were attracted to sound.

            With no light, all we had was the moon to guide us. We decided to pick up the pace because it was getting late and the zombie population was growing. Hopping the fence posed a bit of a challenge in the pure black night. Surprisingly, the CVS was open. I guess whoever owned it didn’t get a chance to lock it up before the apocalypse.

            Most of the candy was gone but we grabbed a few plastic bags of food and candy. All the milk had gone bad without the electricity and the other drinks were warm. Most of us were dehydrated from our long walk. All we had was soda and tea because all of the water was gone. It wasn’t really that unexpected because it was the middle of summer. I found the stuff I needed and we were on our way out when someone else entered the store.

            It was a familiar face. A girl I knew. Nishika. She was an Indian girl who was in some of my classes. She wore a pink outfit. It was black pants, pink long sleeved shirt, a baby pink scarf and a pink head dress.

            She was always a quiet one but now she wasn’t afraid to talk.

            “Dani! Aurora!” She said.

            “Nishika!” I said.

            “I’m sooo surprised! I didn’t think I’d run into anyone I knew.” Dani said.

            Something was weird about the way she was talking to us. She didn’t venture into the store. She just stood at the entrance. She also looked very nervous.

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