Chapter 4: Assassination

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I ran my fingers over the blade of my machete. I really hoped I didn’t have to kill anyone. Especially anyone who wasn’t a…. a… what should we call these undead creatures? Zombies?  The word sounded so imaginative. I felt like I was playing Call of Duty when I said it. They were indeed zombies but, the name felt wrong. I decided to call them: Flesh Eaters. The name seemed as surreal as the situation and I thought it fit well.

            The handle of the knife was wooden and it felt warm to the touch. I’d never held a machete before in my life but my uncle was a chef and he had some pretty big knives in his kitchen. I got used to the weight but I needed to get used to swinging it. Just in case.

            “Let’s go to the gas station and fill up those red cans.” Dani said.

            “Jerry cans.” Flynn corrected.


            The car went forward and we were on our way to the gas station. As we got closer to the gas station, the silence became unbearable. Luckily, I got the courage to break the silence.

            “Do you think our parents are ok?” I asked nervously.

            “I’m sure everyone’s alright. As soon as we get to Georgia, they’ll probably be waiting for us. I can just imagine all the warm hugs and relieved faces.” Dani said.

            “You never know. They probably died already,” Zane said solemnly.

            Flynn sat up suddenly. He was shocked.

            “What the hell dude! Why would you say something like that?” He asked.

            “Do you remember those two little twins in our neighborhood?” I asked to no one in particular.

            Flynn was the first to answer.

            “Of course, I remember them. Why?”

            “I wonder where they are now. Trapped here in this wasteland.”

            We arrived at the gas station. It was eerie because there was only one car parked in the whole lot.  We pulled up to pump number 6.

            “Zane. You’re the tech expert. Go work some magic and make the pump work. I can’t exactly swipe a credit card.” I said.

            “Alright, you pump the gas Rora. You two come with me.” Zane said.

            I waited for a few minutes and nothing happened. So I pulled out my phone. I had 10% battery. There were no car chargers in our car so I was kind of out of luck.  I needed to go into the gas station to find a few car chargers. So I locked the car doors and went inside. The first thing I saw was Zane grabbing Monster Energy Drink and a flesh eater charging after him.

            “Zane! Look out!” I yelled.

            Zane turned around and the Flesh Eater tackled him. It’s eye sockets were black and it moaned aimelessly. I was frozen in shock and couldn’t move. Then suddenly there was loud bang. I jerked around to see Dani holding a gun. Her whole body was shaking and she looked really pale. Her eyes were frantic. She was breathing heavily. I turned back around and Zane was on his feet again. The Flesh Eater was lying motionless in a pool of blood. There was a splatter of blood across Zane’s lower face and chest.

            “It’s ok! It’s ok! It didn’t bite me!” Zane said.

            I ran to the back because I heard another Flesh Eater groaning. I unsheathed my machete and took a wild whack at the Flesh Eater’s head. It’s a strangely satisfying feeling when the bones in their neck slice in half. My heart was racing but I didn’t feel afraid. I felt alive.

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