Chapter 17: Concentration

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Suddenly, i was laying awake in a house. It wasn't my house this time. It was totally unfamiliar. The Alphas were sitting or standing around as Marcus gave orders. I noticed that my friends and i were tied up with our backs against the walls. 

My head was till so unclear. I realized that i was hallucinating the second my mom walked into the house. I was light headed and appeared drunk as she made her way over to me. My eyes lolled and i struggled to keep them focused on anything. My mom squatted in front of me and looked into my eyes.

"You're not my mom!" I slurred.

"You're not bunny." She said.


Then the hallucination ceased and Josh was a foot from my face. 

"I said you're not funny." Josh repeated.

"What'd i do?" I slurred again.

"You said you wouldn't follow my orders because i'm not your mom. Clear your head and shut up." He ordered.

Sam was bleeding from his lip and his face was full of bruises. The scar on Flynn's face was almost fully healed by then, but he still looked like a sad puppy. Dani was hunched over in the corner coughing. They'd done something to her but i couldn't focus enough to understand.

"Please! Anne! She's sick. Josh hit her too hard in the head! She has a concussion!" Flynn pleaded.

"Let her be sick all over herself. She's worthless to us. Why don't we just end this here?" Anne said without any expressions.

My heart started pounding. If they wanted us to shut up so badly, why had they removed the tape from our mouths? I felt like i had been under anesthesia. It was a struggle to keep my head up. 

"You bastards! Both of them have suffered brain damage! You hit them too hard!" Zane shouted.

I wondered if he was talking about me. Is that why i couldn't keep from falling into a paralytic and hallucinagetic sleep every two seconds? My head throbbed. They hit me. I could feel the ache in my scalp and this sharp pain just beneath the scalp. However, i probably was past the vomiting part of the concussion because i never recalled it.

"What'd you do to me?" I slurred.

"Concentrate Rora. Concentrate. Try and focus." Sam whispered to me when Josh turned his back.

I felt myself nodding off again. And as quick as i had appeared in the room, i was gone. 

My focus was now centered on the zombies in the middle of the room. Real or fake? I asked myself.

"Real." I said aloud. 

My voice was clear and crisp. It seemed more realistic than the slurred version but i couldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. The pain in my head intensified and i could see everything in double. I was holding a gun. That was unusual.  I normally had my machete. I started firing the gun involuntarily.


"FOCUS!" I yelled as loud as i could.

The haze started to fade. I woke up on the floor agaisnt the wall again. This is the reality, i thought to myself. I quickly slipped my hands out of the loose bindings. I slipped my foot under Josh's as he turned his back to me. Immediatley, he fell. I hopped to my feet with clear sight and an empty mind. 

Zombies pounded on the windows and doors. The door would burst open any second.

No one had any reaction time. I grabbed Josh's gun and put my arm around his neck while keeping the gun on his temple. 

"Untie my friends." I ordered to Marcus.

He hesistated but i pulled the hammer down on the gun and pushed it further into the side of Josh's head. Josh struggled a bit but i brought the gun up high above my head and brought it down on his head, instantly knocking him out cold. Then i stood in front of him and pointed the gun at the Alphas. The new recruits had guns aimed at me. I pulled out my dagger that i kept hidden under the waistband of my pants and held it in my left hand. 

I did a quick two in one action. I threw a dagger at one of the recruits and shot another one. Both wounds were in their legs and they dropped like a sack of potatos.

Anne's face went white. Jenn decided to try and save the day but she slipped in a pool of blood and busted her ass. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Marcus untied all of my friends. Zane comforted Dani and helped her treat her concussion while i kept my gun aimed at the Alphas.

"Drop your guns and i wont shoot your son." I said with a slight growl.

Anne literally threw her gun at my feet. My friends were armed in seconds. We pointed our guns and waited for them to try and outsmart us.

"Just get out of here."Marcus said with a look of defeat. 

"No. I have something to do first. You fucked with me and gave me this big ass scar on my face. Lets see how you look with a hole between your eyebrows." Flynn aimed the gun at Marcus and pressed the hammer down.

"Flynn. Don't do this. We don't kill people." Zane said. 

"This bitch deserves to die." Flynn said.

Zane put a soft hand on Flynn's shoulder.

"Let nature catch up to them." He said.

Zane aimed his rifle at the door and shot the lock. The zombie poured through the door and we took off towards the back of the house. The Alphas tried to make a mad dask for it but we ran into a bedroom and locked the door. We raided the closet and found a bunch of tshirts and basketball shorts. Obviously a guys room. We grabbed a few changes of clothes and a back pack. Then we shoved everything in the backpack and escaped through the window.

The zombies near the front of the house didn't even spot us. We ran to the car and hopped in. I was in the passenger seat. 
"Are they chasing us?" Sam asked as he looked for the keys. 

"Hell no. They're done." Zane said with a smirk. 

"Thanks for gettin us out, man." Flynn patted Zane's shoulder. 

"We need keys!" Flynn said. 

Dani stretched out her hand and sure enough, she had found the keys.

"While you guys were having your big show down, I snuck into the kitchen and stole the car keys from the table. I'm not sure which key goes to which car but we have time to figure it out." Dani said.

"This key has a volkswagen symbol and that's the car we're in." Sam said.

He grabbed the key and turned the car on. We were down the road and focused on heading north before anyone had the chance to chase us. We had all the keys anyways. It would take idiots like them, years to figure out how to hotwire a car. 

Dani tried to rest and relax her brain to relieve the concussion. I was doing fine, however.

The Alphas were using some laptops to determine their location in their car. I wasn't sure if the wifi was still working. I never had the chance to check. Somehow we found our way and we were surprised to find out that we were only 3 hours from the border. It was barely noon.

Sam reached for my hand and held it. I closed my eyes and tried to unwind.

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