Chapter 11: Expectation

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We were stranded on a road with supplies and we had no place to hide. Or did we?

In our desperate flee for cover, my friends and I, found hiding places. Limping to the nearest car drainer my energy so quickly but luckily, Sam was holding me up as we struggled.

We found ourselves cowering in the nearest SUV by ourselves. I made it a clear point to lock the doors. I wasn't sure if zombies could open them but at least we were taking precautions.

A few zombies roamed past our car. They seemed to be chasing something- or someone. Sam fumbled with the glove department and found a flashlight. He shined it out the wind shield and all we could see was Jett being devoured by the flesh eaters.

The sight made me physically sick. I had to look away to keep from gagging. Sam held me so close to his chest that I could hear his heart thumping. I felt like crying. Everything was going terribly. I was in pain, nauseous and I was stressed beyond belief.

"Rora," He said.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"We have to stay strong."

The zombies were preoccupied with finishing Jett off when suddenly, we heard a loud popping noise and saw a bright flash of light. A gun shot. Flynn stood on top of a car a few feet away. He shot bullets at the zombies in rapid succession.

I caught a quick glimpse of Zane and Dani crouched beside a guard rail on the road every time the light from Flynn's gun flashed. They were huddled together, ready for death and second.

At that exact moment the most unexpected thing happened. The ground started to shake. The cars rattled around as the ground rumbled. A crack in the side of the mountain split the road in half. The zombies started to fall down the crack and so did the car Flynn was standing on. He made a mad leap to survive. The rumbling ended.

Silence was the loudest thing in my mind at that moment. I could hear a pin drop. Flynn landed safely on the other side of the split but the zombies were gone and so were Dani and Zane.


So many emotions washed over me at the same time. I didn't know how to react. I couldn't imagine them stuck in the split. There was simply no way. Two hands banged against the window to my left.

It was Zane!!! I gasped in relief and opened the door for him and Dani. She was sweaty and shaking. Zane climbed into the passenger seat and took a few breaths.

We could see Flynn on the other side by himself. We flashed the light towards him to show him where we were.

There was no way he could make it across the big gap without falling inside. He decided to wait until morning and take a breather in the nearest car.

"We jumped last second and made it over. I was sure we were dead until we saw you and Sam in the car." Dani said as she tried to run her fingers through her tangled hair.

"I'm so glad you guys are ok! I almost died!" I said as I started bawling.

We all sat in silence for as long as we could. The guys shared a few words before we all eventually dosed off.


We exited the car and stretched. I had absolutely no sense of time. The sun was high above our head so I knew it was around noon.

Flynn was on our side of the split. I wasn't sure how he had gotten there but he didn't make it there without a struggle. He had scratches every where on his body.

He walked over to me and embraced me in a warm hug. I was really confused.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered.

I nearly forgot about my birthday. I had expected to die before it even came and I lost track of the days.

"Thank You."

My head ached and my stomach did too. I searched my back pack for something edible. Nothing. We'd eaten it all in the car. My stomach grumbled in protest.

"I say we should just relax today and try to celebrate your birthday." Flynn said.


Flynn asked Zane to help him with something. Dani decided to tag along. I watched as they went down the road. Then someone gently wrapped their arms around my waist.

I giggled as Sam smiled over my shoulder.

"So, I heard it's your birthday," He chuckled.

I turned to face him and he let go.

"Did you? That's weird. I don't see any party around here," I replied.

He leaned in closely an whispered in my ear:

"Let's make one."

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