Chapter 12: Temptation

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With the others gone, Sam and I had the whole road to ourselves. He was armed with a gun and I had a knife. We were safe and somehow, I still felt safe while I was with him even if I didn't have a weapon.

Sam opened the trunk of the SUV and pushed down the back seats. We rested in the shade of the little nook as we talked. It was obvious that he was flirting with me. He'd smile and push my hair out of my face but he was being a total tease.

We'd only kissed once and it was because I made the move. I never really put much thought into that. Maybe he wasn't interested. Maybe he was just flirty. Maybe-

"Are you ok?" He asked as he studied my eyes.

I smiled and nodded because my words had escaped long ago. I'd probably lost them after the sun caught the glow in his big brown eyes.

"How long do you think it will take them to return?" I asked.

"Maybe an hour? They said they were looking for something really special for you."

He reached over to me and gently pulled me closer. He slid his hands into mine then he started blushing. I looked out of the open trunk door and didn't see anyone coming. Maybe he was right.

"Rora." He said softly and I looked up at him.

He planted his lips on mine. I felt a tingly sensation pulse through my body. Then we scooted closer and continued kissing.

"This is amazing!" I thought to myself.

My heart thumped in tune with his. Everything was perfect. I starter to forget about the flesh eaters and the earthquake. I forgot everything that wasn't Sam. I could only picture his eyes, his smile, his laugh, his amazing hair, and most importantly his lips.

My hands traced up and down his chest. He had abs. That automatically made him 10x hotter. I couldn't resist the urge to pull his shirt off. I fought it for a solid ten minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.

I slowly slid his green shirt up and waited a few seconds to see if he was going to stop me. But he didn't. We both kicked our shoes off and shifted in position. He was sitting up now and I was straddling him.

It was getting pretty heated. We started removing more clothing. I'd never gone that far with a guy before. I felt a little slutty. I was really starting to enjoy it. I slowly started to unzip his jeans and suddenly he stopped. I slid off of him and laid quietly beside him. He exited the car and stood there with his hands on the back of his head.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Everything's fine I just can't do that." He said.

"Do what? We weren't actually going to do that Sam." I said.

"I know but, you don't understand. I just need a few minutes to myself." He just pulled his shirt back over his head and walked away.

As if that wasn't weird enough, I felt this feeling like we were being watched. If left an uneasy shift in the air and I couldn't bear it much longer.

I waited for Sam to return but thoughts of his sudden hesitation sprung into my mind. I wondered why he seemed so resistant. I knew it was really none of my business but I had to know.

He returned a few minutes later.

"Come sit."

He sat beside me and avoided eye contact. Frankly, I did too.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I just can't do anything like that because..." He trailed off and I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Did something bad happen to you?" I asked.

"It's not that. But it's just hard to talk about." He said.

"You can tell me, you know." I said.

He was playing with his hands and gazing off into the distance. He looked down at his toes and then he looked back at me.

"I'm a virgin." He said.

I was in the same exact boat. And believe me, I was just as nervous as he was.

"I am too." I said.

He sighed in relief.

"I feel like losing my virginity is a big deal and Its not that I don't want to lose it to you, it's just that I'm not ready." He admitted.

"I agree. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Trust me, its ok." He said.

"Can we just relax for a while?" I asked.

"I'd love that." He said. 

He laid back and put his arm around me as I rested my head against his chest. I closed my eyes and rested for a while.

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