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        Almost immediately after Beomgyu arrived at Big Hit Academy, he felt like he was being watched. Looking around, he noticed a few people were looking in his direction. This made him feel very uneasy.

"They're not looking at me," he reassured himself, "They're just looking at something around me." Quickly, he headed inside to get away from everyone but his anxiety only got worse. Everyone was definitely staring at him, but why? He tugged on the strings of his hoodie, feeling the victim of some overly cliché high school movie.

"Do you think all the other members of TXT are like that too?"

Beomgyu could make out bits and pieces of other people's conversations. Not liking what he was hearing he began to pick up his pace.

"I can't believe he used Jennie like that!"


"He actually came to school today."


"It's a shame he's gay. I thought he was pretty cute."

Faster and faster. He kept speeding up until he reached his locker. There was a couple standing nearby and when Beomgyu got closer,  they began snickering, telling each other to be quiet.

"Do you think that's the real reason Beomgyu got it? Maybe they felt bad for him," the girl harshly whispered, still being loud enough for Beomgyu to hear. He tensed up after hearing his name. He's not just being paranoid, people are really talking about him.

The boy shook his head, "No way. He probably slept around with other men and used that money to pay his way in. I heard he's pretty rich."

Beomgyu quickly grabbed his things and threw them in his bag before slamming his locker door shut.

"Ohhh," the girl laughed, "I think he heard us."

"Please," Beomgyu pleaded, distress clearly written across his face, "What are you guys talking about? I have no idea what's going on."

"You know, we know, everyone knows," the other boy rolled his eyes, "Word spreads fast here." Beomgyu opened his mouth to try and ask again, but the couple turned around and ran before he could. Beomgyu could feel his heart and breathing speed up. Why are rumors spreading about him? He put his hood over his head to try and conceal himself from everyone. His mind ran wild as he tried to piece everything together, but it just wouldn't click. Everyone was nice to him yesterday. All he did was perform and screw up his date with....Jennie! That's it! Beomgyu could of swore he heard her name while rushing down the hall. Maybe she knows whats going on. Jennie usually hung out around the gym in the mornings which wasn't too far from his locker. He made his way over there, keeping his head low, so that no one would notice him, but it wasn't helping. He could still feel the judgemental stares and snarky comments from the others, but he did his best to ignore them.

When Beomgyu got there, he noticed a slightly large group of people surrounding someone. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the person was Jennie and she was in terrible shape. Her usually beautiful brown flowy hair was pulled up in a sloppy bun, her iconic sense of style was replaced by baggy clothes, and most concerning of all of her makeup was smeared and tears continously flowed down her face. He wondered if rumors were being spread about her too. Everybody was trying to comfort her. Beomgyu bit his lip nervously not knowing what to do. He just stood there awkwardly hoping something would happen.

"What do you think you're doing here?" a girl with red hair shouted at him, making him jump. Everyone's attention was now on him

"I-I just," Beomgyu gulped as he stumbled over his words, " I just wanted to sp-speak to Jennie."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now