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Yeonjun smiled down proudly at the four boys panting on the ground. "Giving up so soon?" he sneered.

"We've been dancing for almost an hour straight," Beomgyu huffed, "How are you not tired?"

Yeonjun shrugged, "We're idols now. This is nothing." Beomgyu just groaned and laid back down on the floor.

"Are you guys almost ready for bed?" Kai wobbly stood up, letting out a long yawn, "It's getting late and we still have school tomorrow."

"Please?' Beomgyu begged, pressing his hands on his face.

"You wuss," Yeonjun scoffed, and scratched the back of his neck, "but sure we can sleep if you guys want to. Where are we all gonna go?"

"Umm," Kai took a minute to think things over, "Two people can sleep in my room, two people can sleep in my parents' room, and the last person will have to sleep down here on the couch since my sister is in her room."

"I call Kai's room," Taehyun raised a hand.

"Sure," the black haired boy smiled, "Who wants the other bed?"

"Can Yeonjun and I have it?" Soobin hesitantly asked, "I need to talk to him." Yeonjun looked at him confused, but didn't comment on his request.

"Yep," Kai nodded, "That means Beomgyu has to sleep on the couch by himself."

Beomgyu let out a really loud and exaggerated, "But I don't feel like moving."

"Fine," Kai frowned, "Suit yourself." He walked over to the couch and grabbed a throw pillow and a blanket, then threw them on top of the golden brown haired boy, who just grunted in response. "Goodnight everyone," Kai waved at everyone, dragging Taehyun back to his room.

"Goodnight," Yeonjun and Soobin replied, while Beomgyu stayed silent.

Soobin looked down at the boy on the ground, "Is he dead?"

"I think we killed him," Yeonjun lightly kicked the younger a few times before getting a pillow thrown at him. Yeonjun laughed but Soobin grabbed his wrist a bit harshly, completely changing his happy mood to a concerned.

"We should go," the leader stated.

Yeonjun furrowed his brows, "Soobin, what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?"

"Don't act clueless," Soobin rolled his eyes.

Yeonjun could feel his heart tighten, "What are you talking about? I literally did nothing to-wait are you talking about the kiss? Are you really this upset over something as stupid as a kiss?"

"Come with me and I'll tell you," Soobin instructed, letting his gaze land on Beomgyu, who was probably knocked out by now.

"You're ridiculous," Yeonjun closed his eyes, but obliged. Just when he thought all of their problems were over, something else happened. Yes, he admitted it was his fault but the thought really hurt him. It felt like their small group was falling apart and it hasn't even been half a year yet.

"Sit," Soobin demanded, once they entered the room, closing the door. Yeonjun did as he was told without saying anything. He wished they could just sleep and forget about it. Soobin crawled into bed on the opposite side of him, "So."

"So what?" Yeonjun turned to face him.

"Why did you kiss me?" the younger asked sternly.

"Why not?" Yeonjun slightly smiled, fiddling with his fingers, "I did it because I could."

Soobin glared at him, "That's it, because you can? You didn't have any other motivation behind it?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" Yeonjun pushed back his hair, "Either way it doesn't matter because you really are a jerk."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now