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Once classes ended everyone headed their own separate ways and Beomgyu decided to go to his dorm and catch up on his rest. Stepping into his room he realized how lonely it was. Beomgyu casted his gaze to the rushly made bed Taehyun had used; this is the first time he's been by himself since he had his date with Jennie. Part of him thought it was nice while the other part of him just didn't feel right. Before Beomgyu even realized he had started walking he was at the end of the empty bed. He let out a frustrated groan, what was wrong with him? After shaking away his thoughts he picked up the clothes he let Taehyun wear that night off of the floor. He blinked a few times at the red and blue shirt, it has always been his favorite shirts but he knew that wasn't the reason he was being drawn to it. Sighing he sat back down on his bed and held the article of clothing tight in his arms.

Taehyun is all Beomgyu could think about. The boy didn't know when or how he started growing feelings for the younger, but it just happened. He wished he could go back in time to last night and change what he said to Taehyun. Beomgyu was fighting with his sexuality and let his fear answer for him and he regrets it. Taehyun hates him now. Well, that might be an overstatement but Beomgyu can tell how uncomfortable he's been acting around him. It really hurts but it's impossible to change the past so he had to change now. Gathering up all the courage he had he dialed Taehyun's number.

It rang once.


Three times now.

There goes a fourth.

Right when Beomgyu was about to give up her heard a click followed by, "Hello."

Hearing Taehyun's voice put a smile on the older's face, "Hey, Taehyun I-"

"Sorry, you've reached my voicemail. Leave a message and I'll try to get back to you as soon I can."

Beomgyu quickly hit the end call button and let his hand drop to his side.

"I guess sometimes it's impossible to fix things," he laughed as tears started to roll down his face, "Especially when the other person obviously stopped caring."


"Do you have to go?" Taehyun groaned and he buried himself under his blanket, "I'll be bored."

"Gives you a taste of your own medicine," Kai stuck his tongue out, jokingly.

"I know, I know, I'm an awful friend," the older let out a fake sob.

"Be quiet already," Kai threw his hoodie he had just taken off at the other, "I can't decide what I want to wear."

"Does it matter?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow, "It's just Yeonjun."

"I know," Kai rolled his eyes, "but unlike you I have this kinda cute image going around that I have to maintain."

Taehyun laughed, "Yeah ok."

After another minute or so of Kai throwing around articles of clothing, he pulled out a light pink sweater and paired it with a white baseball cap, "I guess this will have to do," he turned around to face Taehyun, "How do I look?"

Taehyun looked up from his phone, "About the same."

"Wow, Kai! You look super cute," Kai placed a hand on each of his cheeks, "I wish I looked as great as you."

"So you and Yeonjun," Taehyun ignored the younger's mockery, "Are you guys like a thing or something now?"

"Wha-" Kai dropped his shoe, "No it's nothing like that."

"Really?" Taehyun eyed the other as he bent down to finish putting on his shoes.

"Yes really!" Kai whined, "Is it really that hard to believe two people can hang out without being romantically interested."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now