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        "Wow," Beomgyu looked around the dance studio, "The teachers aren't even here yet."

"Well yeah," Taehyun rolled his eyes, "We're early."

"I know but only by like, what, five minutes?" Beomgyu scrunched up his face in confusion, "I thought they would at least be here."

"Our teachers were BTS members, one of the biggest boy bands in the world," Kai scoffed, "They can do whatever they want." Beomgyu hummed in agreement and it wasn't long before  a heavy silence drew upon the three boys. Taehyun looked down at his hand intertwined with Beomgyu's and tore it away.

The older flinched at the action and looked between his hand and Taehyun who was now having a conversation with Kai, "Sorry," he muttered before walking away, knowing he wasn't wanted around.

Beomgyu stared at himself in the mirror, his thoughts were as blank as his expression. He wasn't sure what to do at this point, he felt like there was no way to fix the damage that's been done. Beomgyu sighed as he began stretching, distracting himself by thinking over their performance tomorrow. 

It wasn't long before Mr. Park, Mr. Jung, and the other members joined them.

"Good morning everyone," Mr. Jung greeted with a heart shaped smile.

"Yeah, morning," Mr. Park yawned, scratching the back of his neck.

Mr. Jung tried his best to hold his smile, but was still visibly annoyed by his partner's lack of interest, "Anyways," he cleared his throat, "Jimin and I did some talking, and with lots of begging, we decided before we focus on your dancing, for your performance that's tomorrow, we would talk more about your stage presence and fan service."

"Do we really have to? I think we're pretty popular just being ourselves," Yeonjun reminded them.

"Yes but you're new," Jimin pointed at him, "People will eventually get bored of you until you release new music, which we know won't be for a while," he now pointed his hand in his own direction, "We've been through this already so don't argue and just listen to the experts."

"Whatever," Yeonjun cursed under his breath.

"Come on, everyone sit in a circle just like last time," Mr. Park instructed, after sending Yeonjun a nasty glare.

"I know this is going to seem weird, but who in your group do you want to flirt with?" Mr. Jung asked after everyone was situated. The five boys looked around at each other but no one gave an answer.

"You don't have to do anything extreme," Mr. Park reassured them, "Just pick someone you feel comfortable with joking around in that kind of way. If you decide now it'll be easier tomorrow, trust me."

"I don't really feel comfortable with anyone anymore," Taehyun admitted softly.

Mr. Park let out a groan of frusturation, "What is wrong with you guys today? Everyone is in just a bitter mood and I don't know how much longer I can take it."

"It hasn't even been ten minutes," Mr. Jung chuckled.

"Shut up," Mr. Park nudged the older's side, "You know as well as I do if they keep this up they aren't going to make it very far."

"Yeah I know, he looks and sounds like he's going to cry at any moment," Mr. Jung noted, referring to Taehyun, "Yeonjun is having attitude issues, and the other three haven't said a word since class started."

"Exactly!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Sorry," Soobin sighed, "We're just going through a lot right now."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now